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A/n, ok I attempted to draw the people. Obviously I'm not a good artist especially drawing people, and too lazy or busy to make it better. Oh well...why did I draw this!?! Ha Ckazos Ii ar. THE CRINGE!!!!!!!! IT BURNZZZZZZZZ!!

"OK GREENY! Hop onto my camel partner," said Betta as the camel kneeled down sitting to allow Zim on.
It was now morning, the break of dawn. The sun was rising pretty quick, but it probably just looks fast due to the change of dark to light.
Y/n stood by Betta watching Zim get on the saddle; He held onto the horn of the saddle.

"Smelly moose of sand," he muttered. "WOW! ....I feel so TALL!"
The camel had stood back up begining to continue walking; Y/n had chuckled at Zim's reaction.

"You seem happy," Y/n said looking at Zim's whom had a toothy grin on his face.

"Yes! Zim is happy, but I wish this camel creature would go faster!" With that Zim kicked the camel. The camel reacted almost immediately, running faster causing the other camels to run since they were connected with a line.

"YOU IDIOT! WHADDA' I SAY ABOUT CAUSING TROUBLE!!?" Betta held onto the ears of the camel, Y/n did the same.

'"Now THIS is more like it!... But still soo slow!"

The camels ran for a while till they got tired, they stopped a few hundred yards away from a dark pit in the ground. Around the pit was what looked like adobe buildings, it was like the remains of an acient fallen civilization. It was a lot more rocky now, even a few bits of grass.

"IT'S GONE!!!!!" Tears pricked Betta's eyes," NNNOOOOOOOOO!!!...We've be gone for so long, waitings for the day we would come back home. AND ALL THAT TRAVELING FOR NOTHING! WHERE WE GON' SELL OUR SHIT NOW!?!? GODS DAMNIT!!! Mudder frucker!" Betta turned toward the other women who were silently sulking," GALS' WE'VE BEEN SCREWED OVER! IT'S ALL GONE, but lets see if there's anything left.

'I guess this used to be their home, a city,' thought Y/n

"SAY uh captain, what about that whip-sword thing?" Wendy chimmed in.

"We'll see."

They entered the fallen city on a sandy brick path, collapsed sandy adobe building pieces scattered all around.

"We'll search around, you and Greeny can look together. I recommend people pair up, I don' know what got this place."

Betta tapped the camel, telling it to kneel down so they could get off easier. Betta and Y/n hopped off while Zim climbed off.

"We'll look that way!" Said Y/n pointing to a collapsed building,"C'mon Zim!" Betta just nodded as she went her own way with Wendy , while Y/n ran the opposite direction.

Y/n was sprinting as fast as she could, while trying to run through strong gusts of wind which tried to knock her down or blow her away.
Then she was finally knocked over as Zim just stepped past her creating a gust of wind.

"You're STILL slow, here," said Zim while bending down to pick up Y/n, then placing her on his shoulder.

Zim walked into the remains of the building, there was no roof anymore. Clay pots that had been shattered layed in many tiny bits everywhere.
In a corner there was a wooden table covered in dust; it looked like an antique.


The noise surprised Y/n and Zim as they looked around for where the sound came from.

Just then, something rammed into Y/n, luckily she didn't fall off Zim's shoulder.

Y/n became overjoyed, relieved, and excited when she noticed what rammed into her...

ok, Invader Zim x reader or somethingWhere stories live. Discover now