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The following day Dib went to school with Y/n in the pocket of his coat, Waffle hopped in the pocket aswell. Through out the day Waffle left and came back, while Y/n stayed in the dark pocket. Y/n was bored and on edge,"Waffle, you've been out of this pocket. What's out there?"

"Uhm, uhm, what? I can't remember, you could see for yourself," said Waffle.

"But, honestly I'm scared Waffle. I think there's something out there or something I don't want to know. Oh well look at me being cowardly, I should go out. Hopefully Dib won't notice. But one thing before I go."

Zim had went to school today, paranoid. Lately strange voices could be heard to him, shadowy things where there shouldn't be any shadow. Those things would vanish from his sight , teasing him. Mrs. Bitters was giving a lecture on doom while Zim sat with his head resting on his hand trying hard to ignore the sounds and figures. The air seemed to go still in a second, the antenna under his wig twitched as a chill ran up his spine. An urge to play dead,' There's nothing there,' he thought. But just then he felt a breath on his neck, he could smell it to. The breath smelt of scented candels, like the ones old people may have; A sort of spice.

'NOTHING DARES FRIGHTEN ZIIMMM!' He said in his mind as he turned around quickly to find nothing there.

The bell rang for lunch, and Zim went to lunch still confused about what just happened.

While in Dib's pocket Y/n planned to take the other witch's advice and talk to Zim, but first she casted a spell on a necklace.
"Mzrwgq, rzryeo. Rzekq," she said casting a spell. It was a protection spell, the item had already been enchanted before. But she was enchanting it again, because she knew it would be better this time. The necklace had a yellow copper like chain, with a pendant, with was a circle with glass crystals in it.

Climbing out of the pocket, light flooded Y/n's eyes. She covered her eyes for moment before climbing down. Once on the floor she noticed she was in the lunch room; children's voices became clearer now too. Waffle came to out of no where. He reminded Y/n of an excited over joyed dog bounding around.

"You seem excited and happy, wish I could say the same for me though," with that Y/n rode Waffle leaving the food littered floor.

"To Zim, Waffle, please."

With in seconds they already stopped ontop a table that Zim sat at.

Zim heard a buzzing noise , looking beside him on the table he saw it was Y/n and Waffle.

"Y/N!?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He asked pointing at Y/n.

"UHM, well--- did you really have to throw me out? Am I that much of a burden? It wouldn't surprise if I was a burden---,"

"I NO LONGER require your service , now begone soldier you served me well," Zim had pretty much ignored Y/n's questions while waving his hand shooing her.

"BUT WAIT! If I am to ,'begone' please take this, keep it," Y/n held out the necklace which was almost smaller than or just as small as a baby Earth worm; which a baby Earth worm is smaller than a fish worm.

Zim reluctently took the item from Y/n's hands, pinching it between two fingers. He looked at it before putting it into his pak.

"HEY!" Dib yelled, he had heard Zim mention Y/n. Going over to Zim's table he saw Y/n was on the table. Dib reached to snatch Y/n, but Zim snatched Y/n first.

"What are you doing here Dib-filth!?"

"Y/n, I had her. You know what?--- Whatever!!!" Dib said giving up, he realized there wasn't much sense in continuing.

After Dib left Zim froze, eyes darting around. Y/n noticed this and asked," Zim are you ok?"

"Eh, yea. Just, Y/n I'm sorry. I don't want to be alone now,--- hey! they're gone!"

"What's gone?"

"The beasts! They've been after me all day!"

"Have been hearing things?" Y/n asked.


"Strange, I've been hearing things and seeing things too. These aren't just hallucinations, everyone is in danger Zim."

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