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Zims pov
I woke up to the burning sun and and the irritating sand that blew into my eyes. Standing looking around, am I forgeting something?

"WHY IS THIS SUN SO HOT!?!" I yelled, then it hit me.... Y/n was missing.
Maybe she's burried in the sand, collapsing on my knees to the ground I felt around for her under the sand.

Nothing, then preceding to pat myself around my shirt, maybe she's on me.

The desert was empty, just sand and no signs of Y/n walking along the sand. While looking out at the desert I noticed it was't even that windy, except maybe for a few strong gusts of wind here and there.

Where could she gave gone? Well, I'm all alone now. Did she leave me? Why? Or something took her, she wouldn't leave me! I trust her, Zim is sure she wouldn't just walk off. Who would want to leave the amazing Zim!?

A mechanical arm came from my PAK as I used it to give myself the tiny necklace Y/n gave me; then quickly the three clawed arm shot back into my PAK.

I looked down at the necklace in my hand smiling and chuckling, silly human. Why this? Then I felt my self grimace as looking at it started to make me feel guilty.

"No, Zim should feel NO guilt, throwing her out before is long in the past," then I muttered silently,"But now she might be gone for good."

I dropped the necklace into the sand, well with nothing much to do I'll just have to walk alone. There may be a chance that I find Y/n along the way. But if I do what does that mean? That she DID leave ZIM!? T-then that would mean she betrayed me!
Similar thoughts ran through my mind as I walked on, oh how THAT sun BURNS!

"Cheer up partner, I'm... sure that we didn't roastn' up your buddy," said Betta patting Y/n on the back.

"Do you think I'll find my other friend? And if so we found him; can he come along?" Asked Y/n looking out into the desert with a spaced off look.

"Sure, if the wind just blows in ours favors. Tell me then, what's yo' pal's name?"


"Huh, funny name. What's he look like? So one if us might spot him," Betta asked in slightly gruff voice, probably due to the sand and dry weather. But her voice was deep for a woman anyway.

Y/n turned toward Betta, she made gestures to describe how Zim looked as she explained," Well he's green, wears a red striped shirt, big ruby bug-like eyes, aaaand two antennas on his head. I hope that's good enough description to spot him from a long way a ways."

"Sounds like a nekrì---," Betta was cut off.

"Wait, Nekrì? E-r-k-e-n, E-rken.... Irken! Why did you say it backwards?" Said Y/n.

"Because it's a hells lotta easier to pronounce like that in most languages around here, and most seem to pronounce foreign words backwards to try to make it make sense in their languages here. Or you know, like slang."

"SAY! I SEE UM A SOMETHING GREEN OVER THERE CAPTN'! JUST COMMING OVER THAT HILL THERE!" Wendy hollered pointing to a sand dune towards the right.

"HEY! I think that's Zim!! We gotta get over there! ... please?" Said Y/n excited.

Betta nodded," Go on get over there then, we'll wait for you and your pal."
With that Y/n jumped off the camel's head into the soft burning sand below; the fall didn't really hurt seeing as how small she is.
She ran as fast as she could towards the dune, stumbling here and there.

Zim stopped, he saw the people and the camels. Running up the dune he saw what looked like Y/n running towards him. Heat of anger and confusion started to manifest in Zim. It was enough the sun was burning down on him.

Y/n finally cimbed to the top where Zim stood, " Ay Ay Ay! I found the people!!!--- What's wrong?"

Zim sneered, then began in an angry and slightly annoyed voice," What's wrong!?!?! WHAT'S WRONG!? WHERE WERE YOOOOUUUU!?!? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ZIM; WHEN ZIM IS SO AMAZING!!?"

"Well I'm very---,"

"WHHHYYYYYY!?!?!" Zim screeched at the sky while landing on his knees.

"I'm sorry Zim, I just went to get the people. Then come back for you, or find you.


"Well, I just wanted to help. I mean LOOK they have camels you could ride!"
Zim jumped up; he brang his boot down on Y/n knocking her down. Threatening to squish her in the sand, but it was almost more effort to not just squish her and to hold her down. He could barely feel her at all under his boot, except for maybe a very incredibly tiny pressure of her pushing against his boot. Zim was considering just crushing her, to make her suffer for seemingly betraying him.

Y/n was now shocked and scared, but she sucked it in, ignoring those emotions. She deliberately caused herself to feel anger to help her talk,

"REALLY ZIM!?!? I was trying to help. YOU'RE OVER REACTING WHEN THERE'S NO NEED TO. It's not like I just left you for weeks and weeks, what greater use am I? Can't you stop being angry and look at the bright side of things? I think those people have a way back, and to maybe escape before it's too late."

Zim snarled he didn't like being wrong," Errr! W-Well I don't NEED you're help!! ZIM IS AMAZING, ZIM IS ME, AND I AM A GENIUS!! My genius mind can figure out a way, alone. LEAVE! Go with your crazy sand-mooses and 'people'. I'll venture alone, I can't believe I trusted you. ME!!? ZIM!? Trusting a human!? Laughable!!"

"What!? So you never even considered me a friend?"

Zim rubbed the back of his head,"Eh Um, well... WAIT! NO, OF COURSE I NEVER CONSIDERED THAT! INVADERS NEED NO ONE! ---Eh, hmmm."

"I don't believe you," said Y/n in which as soon as Zim heard this he kicked her down the sand dune rolling.

'What did I just do?' He thought in the back of his mind.

Y/n tumbled all the way down back to the people.

"Say! I thought he wuz your friend?" Said Betta hollering toward Y/n from atop the leading camel's head.

Y/n made her way up onto the head with Betta, " I don't know Betta. I'm confused, maybe a little awkward to. I don't think he listens well, gots a big ego ya know."

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