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A/n, I don't know anymore, is this what they call writers block? Lol it's not even that good. Maybe the readers could maybe pitch an idea of what they want happen; because so far i've been using 'Y/n' mainly because I'm to lazy to make a name. But since it sort of refers to the reader or whatever they mentally chose to name this character, should have a sort of choice. (Wow I sound like an idiot) Well that's mean sort of asking if whoever reads this wants a choice, otherwise I'm going to keep on keep'n' on writing down whatever story goes through my head. Is this story getting too long? Either way I hate endings.

Zim sighed,"I suppose I'll let you back in, because it didn't really improve anything. But the tallest can't know. They'd think I'm defective, the control brain would terminate me...Waffle can come back too."

Dib had overheard what Zim had said. Zim didn't think of it much of a problem while Dib thought about how he could rat Zim out.' If I could tell his leaders they might get rid of him for good! Along with Y/n maybe. But what if they come here? I can't pass up this chance!'

The bell for recess rang, all the children ran outside screaming,"YAY!!!!" Zim walked outside with Y/n on his shoulder, snow was scarce on the ground. Not a breeze in the air, while the temperature was a few degrees above freezing, a decent temperature.

Zim climbed up on one the walls to sit on, watching the children play, laughing and screaming.

"Zim! I just remembered! Christmas is coming up! We cant let monsters ruin Christmas , can we?" Y/n hopped on Zim's lap while then hopping on the concrete of the wall.

"Crisss--MAAS??? What is this CRISss-MaAS??" Zim asked.

"It's a holiday silly! It's when peope get together, give eachother presents, drink eggnog an' hot chocolate, put up the Christmas tree, and.... kissing under the mistletoe, if caught under it."

"Silly hyoo-mans and there JOLY days! PATHETIC!---"

"OH YEAH! And children believe santa clause comes to bring them presents.--- Don't you celebrate holidays on Irk?" Zim tapped his chin trying to remember before he replied,

"No, not really. Though invaders are congratulated for taking over planets, and none of our celebrations are celebrated like this 'Criss-Mas'. ---And also, what is this sanTA- CLAWS? Is it a monster that eats children?

"Haha, no, santa doesn't eat children. He's a guy who has eight magical flying reindeer whom delivers presents to children on his nice list. He has a naughty list along with a nice list, and he's checking them twice!~--- So this would kind of be your first Christmas? I bet Gir would love Christmas. I should tell him about it," said Y/n , in which Zim responded by almost jumping at the last thing she said.

"NO, Don't you EVEN dare! DO YOU KNOW what chaos he'll BRING into the base?! He'll be screaming about this ,' CRIS-MAS' CONSTANTLY!" Zim seethed.

ok, Invader Zim x reader or somethingWhere stories live. Discover now