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"You KNOW about the goat-beast!?!! TELL ME, TELL ZIMMMM!!"
Y/n was a little turned by the fact this woman was friends with that monster, and she seems like an ok lady in Y/n's opinion. "WELL, when I was a young eswnt one I went to a certain school. Ye, none of the other children were exactly human nor myself. We used to do projects together, he even tried to buy a live unicorn on Craigs'list! Ha, though not the Craig's List you're familiar with; this ah different universe.

We were around each other a lot, but he never did catch or buy a unicorn. He started walkin' n' talkin' with other people, kills'n people, terrifying and horrifying them. I miss him, especially before he started hangin' round those folk; as for getting back to your universe I can help you rwaen that. I'll take you back where you came from. While I'm at it I might talk to him, you've been nice folk , not breaking my rules despite a fews of yous interupting , which is forgivable. AND, one more thing before we go," The strange lady whistled and from the randon light above came soaring a strange robot thing. Like a paper airplane, with red tips at the end if the wings along with a blue body. On the wings were a bunch of arrows, between the wings were like metallic feathers which also had arrows on them resembling a bird in some way. Y/n immediately recognized the thing," A ROCKET-BIRD!!---"
Zim interupted," A WHAT?"

"CAN WE KEEP IT ZIM!?? PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE, Can WE keep the rocket-bird!?"
Begged Y/n.

"Fine! We can KEEP it."

The woman got up, and there was a flash of light.

They all woke up outside the lab , it was still night as if no time had passed. In an open space not too far away was the voot cruiser with Gir playing with the rocket-bird ontop the space craft. "NNng, Y/n? THE CRUISER! Were back," said Zim waking up. Y/n was next to awake on the concrete next to some vials containing viruses along side Waffle. Zim walked over to Y/n and Waffle scooping them up in both hands along with the vials," GIR!.Get in the cruiser , were going back to the base." All Zim wanted to do when he got back
to the base was rest, being tired from all that has happened.

Back at the base Zim made his way to the couch , he had placed the vials some where safe in his lab. Gir had run off to somewhere else down in the lab riding the rocket-bird, the room was silent as Zim layed himself down on the couch. Head resting on the arm of the couch, and a hand resting gently on Y/n whom layed on his stomach. "Y/n? Do all 'witches' speak that strange language?" Zim asked.

"Actually, no. There's all kinds of witches, and they're not specific to any language.---"

"Do you think you could teach me? Uh eh-- so we can exchange information secretly?--- A TRANSMISSION!" The tv turned on; on the screen were the tallest, red and purple. Zim immediately jumped up setting Y/n aside on the couch and standing up infront of the tv while saluting,"MY TALLEST! For what reason have you called meeEe? No doubt to find out how well I am succeeding, yes? I ASSURE you my tallest that everything is going succedingly successful!"

Red noticed the tiny human on the couch while Purple was scarfing down donuts, eventually he noticed too. " Hey Zim!!---hfnom nom--- who's that tiny short person behind you---Nyom nom nom---, on the couch?" Purple asked. Practically jumping, Zim snatched Y/n , eventually opening his hand into a palm.

"S-sorry my tallest, it seems that I have forgotten to introduce you to my latest new ally. This is Y/n, a human, but---," Red interupted,

"Wait, so you're allies with the enemy!? AND it's so short, Zim you never mentioned they could be THAT short. It must be STUPID! How would it even make a decent ally? The best it could do is be a servant."

Y/n took offense to this,"HEY! I'M NOT THAT RETARDED MR.SMART ASS! I MAY BE TINY , BUT I'M NOT DUMB!--- Are you sure YOU'RE not the retards? Ya know you should never underestimate your enemy. Ever read the Art of War? Kind of funny you wouldn't know this since your whole race seems built on war---," Zim covered Y/n mouth, in which she struggled while he let out a sheepish chuckle

," Eheh heh, IGNORE what my assistant just said my tallest, she's-she's just--- uhm--- ANXIOUS! YES ANXIOUS to be in any sort of presence of the tallest! ANXIOUS! Of how GREAT THE TALLEST ARE! THOUGH I can assure you Y/n is a worthy ally, and not as dim-witted compared to all the other humans." Zim now let go of Y/n since she gave in giving up.

"Tiny, but smart? How can that be?! Either way we just called to see if you died ye---," Purple nudged Red pushing him behind him; with a mouth full of donuts he said,"TO SEE YOUR SUCCESS!!"

"Also Zim, I wouldn't go making allies with the enemy, that's kind of DUMB. That might be something a defective would do, You're supposed to be an invader. Invaders need no one," Red said.

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