chapter 11

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Still zims pov
"I cross my heart and hope to die.", Y/n said while crossing an 'x' over her heart and holding the other hand up to show no fingers were crossed.
"What does that mean? EXPLAIN", I said. "It's a vow humans do sometimes, to promise something. Breaking one of these promises is considered very low and crossing your fingers while vowing breaks the promise. Other than that you're just to have to take a chance," she said.
"Then why were you at the Dib-thing's home?" I asked."I had to find a place to live and sleep. Dib seemed easily negotiable compared to you. I didn't really want to sleep in a dumpster."
Just then Gir came down without his dog suit holding a stack of waffles. "GUESS WHO MADE WAFFLEZ!!!!" Screamed Gir in an almost sing song voice. "YAY! WAFFLES, may I have some please?" Asked Y/n ,"Here ya go!" Taking a waffle Gir handed to her she thanked him. "GIR! Get out of here you interupted!" I said, Gir went back to the main floor to have a tea party with a pig. " You said in your 'universe' this 'world is a cartoon? What kind of cartoon?" I asked now curious about the universe she is from. "Invader Zim."

"Invader Zim ." Y/n repeated again. " What?! What!? Why do you keep repeating yourself!? What do you want!?" I asked confused on why she keeps saying my name. "Invader Zim, it's the name of the cartoon , in the cartoon you're pretty much the main character."
"MY own cartoon!?! This proves I am the superior being, even creatures of different universes recognize my superiority!!"
"hehehe," Y/n giggled covering her smile with her hand. " Why are you laughing!? What is there to laugh about? I AM SUPERIOR!" I said while standing on my chair. This only seemed to make Y/n giggle more. " You're so funny when you do that. So we good now? want to look at my plans?"
"I suppose we are as you say 'good' , of course I want to see the plans. Y/n and Zim went back up to the main floor to the kitchen table to discuss plans of world domination. "These are my plans ,"she said while opening the notebook. We talked about the plans for a while till Y/n decided she probably go back to Dib's home. " I'm going , but I got terrible gut feeling about leaving ... bye."

ok, Invader Zim x reader or somethingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin