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"Wine is good," replied Waffle, but he seemed out of it , like if he was trying to remember something. I wonder do flies think much? "Waffle how are you? What's z'it like to be a-a waffle?" Not much response from Waffle apparently being a fly was ok by him. Because he could fly and go anywhere. Drink alcohol of rotting fruit, Waffle mostly replied with images of food and trash. Then I couldn't help , but think about Zim," Ya know Waffle, I kind of never wanted to take over Earth alone, but at the same time I didn't ;because say that someone helped me, especially a guy . I think I would still be looked down upon, because then I fear I'll be told ,'Ay , ya guess what! You didn't do shit! I bet he did all the work, you're too dumb to do anything by your self cuz' you're a ggiiiirrrlll!' I didn't really want any friends, maybe a long time ago I did, but I gave up. Didn't really have one either, I used to think I had friends, but my mother's death seemed to help me grow up and wake up to the world. Though it was a slow process of denial and hallucinations. A friend is some one who would break you out of jail and you would return the favor. Do flies have friends?" I talked while slumped in a corner with my legs spread out; I took another few drinks of wine. "Y/n is friend ov' Waffle." " I guess so, I'll admit Zim could be a friend, I do enjoy his company.
I-I can't rememberz thee last timez I had an actual conversation like the conversations i'z had with Zim." Then I heard something a fridge opened,"Dib , he, will, PAY! I will make HIM SUFFER!" Gaz said. then I heard another voice,"Gaz! Gaz! I almost had Y/n , but Zim and Y/n drugged me. Luckily I was able to cut the rope against a sharp metal shelf." "I'ma get over there Waffle ta' hear dem'" I got closer to the cupboard door to hear more. "GEEZ, LOUIS! HE GOT OUT of the watcha'ma'call it!," I said slightly loudly." Did you hear something Gaz?" "No, go away!"
Dib was now coming toward the cupboard,"I know I heard some thing. "OH SHIT I THINK THEm WHATch'ma'call its heard us WAFFLEZ! Now look here Y/n you be talking too loud he heard ya! Told you ya should've stopped whenz I told ya! Now ya betters concentrates reeeeaaaaaall hards to not talk!" I still said loudly, I kept talking to myself till light shined in my eyes. I felt a piercing head ache, Did had opened the cupboard ,"Y/n!!!" " WAFFLEZ WE GOTTA BOUNCE!" I stumbled on to Waffle ,Waffle started flying uncordinated, I lost communication with Waffle due to being intoxicated. Since Waffle is directed via magic air which takes thinking and visulizing I clould not direct Waffle. Waffle was also intoxicated. We flew in a circle till Waffle ran face down onto the table. I was so dizzy The world was spinning non stop, I felt like laughing. I felt the ground shake my vision changed till I realized a Jar had been placed over us. A paper then slid under us ,and the jar tilted. Dib placed the lid on the jar, then he poked holes in with a knife. He ran back to his room , my world started to spin again. "Poor Waffle," I went next to Waffle who looked like he wasn't enjoying the ride, I petted Waffle .

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