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A/n Wow over 700, and I really need to stop with these Author notes.
Diving down, I could've sworn I saw Gir. But then something grabbed me out of the water, a metal like claw. It felt like I was on a really fast rollercoaster. Being brought back up my hand let go of my nose ,and water rushed into my nose to my mouth, starting to fill my lungs. Out of the water I started coughing out the water as my nose still burned; I couldn't really see anything either with it being dark, but I did see something shiny like Zim's eyes. His head must've been turned, then I felt the metal arm place me onto what I recognized as Zim's hand.

"Y/n!? Are you all right?!!"

"Coff, coff' Y-yea, but I-I have to get down there! I SWEAR I THINK I SAW GIR DOWN THERE! WE HAVE TO GET THAT LIZARD BACK!" Zim's hand then clutched me into a fist,"No, it isn't safe, and I can't go with you into the water! I'm sure you were just seeing things, how could Gir be here? The light from those water-beasts have been fooling your mind!!"

I struggled to escape his grip, but he only tightened it," Please Zim! Please!---" A flash of blue jumped out of the water, an eel grabbed one of Zim's legs pulling him down into the water. As we were being dragged down I think I saw Gir on the eel, but it was hard to tell being in Zim's fist. Zim's whole body was smoking, almost melting. I couldn't help but think of the green witch from Wizard of Oz' saying,"I'm MELTING! I'M MELTING!" It made me sick of the thought of Zim's dying like the green witch. Thinking of witches, I am a witch , I could cast a spell to help him maybe. Oh , Y/n you know very well that magic in this world don't work like that. But I have to try, not hoping won't bring anything good, I thought to my self. I started a spell , saying it as loud as I could in my head,' MRZWGQ X RZOT X RFWGRAT X GRR IYMRA X GRR IYWNT!' I repeated this internally untill we were out of the water. How? Now thrown onto a cement like surface, opening my eyes to light from above. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH , AHHHAHHHH AHRHHHHH," I heard Zim scream, it stung me to hear his screams of pain. Looking over I saw Gir trying to help his master. After a while Zim's screams stopped, he had passed out. "Gir! Where are we?" I asked as I took in the scenary, what I thought was a wall I now realized to be a dark blue stone door. The door was sort of round with hieroglyphs on it, it was more of a stone gate. Vines seemed to be growing from the crackes and the small pool we came from, staining the place green. The room was dome shaped---,"I have no Ideeaaaa," said Gir. I would've explored this place further, but I decided to walk over Zim. Near him I saw Waffle covered in water looking dead like a pile of wet mush, Or rag that had been completely soaked in water. Tears started to prick my eyes, I don't think Waffle would have lived through that. Walking closer to Waffle I talked to him for some reason, because maybe I was trying to ease my mind. " Waffle, please don't be dead, don't go Waffle. Waffle you were the greatest fly I ever met, please don't go. Why do good things never last? Who's Gonna be next?--- Waffle! Stay with me!!! WAFFLE DON'T GIVE UP!" I noticed Waffle very weakly moving, most likely not for long. It was a weird feeling I wanted to cry so much, but I didn't. I guess that is how some people feel when a dog or cat dies. Oh, now I remember my first goldfish. I felt sad that my goldfish died, I had cried, but not exessively. A weird feeling that makes your stomach flip, the sight of Waffle's condition wasn't helping.

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