chpter 4

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I think I'm still having trouble with the chapter 2 , but i'm going to continue.
The dismissal bell rang , Students ran out of the school and some jumped out of windows. "Hey! Y/n , follow me." Dib hollered to Y/n . Y/n followed Dib towards his house . Eventually they were in front of a dark colored house with blue electricity for fences. The house had two floors, and a basement. The two walked in the house. They walked into the living room where there was a brown couch infront of a tv. There were prof.Membrane lamps around on tables and cabinets. The whole house inside was greens,blues, and some purples.
"I guess you can sleep on the couch ; follow me so we can talk" He said as he walked upstairs towards his room. In the room there were posters and pictures he drew. An unneat bed in the corner near a window. There was a desk with a desktop and cabinets. Some papers were thrown around on the floor; even a few crumbs were on the floor. The floor carpet was a dark color , so was the whole room a dark shade of blue. Dib sat in a computer chair in front of the desk and said ," ....So you're not a human? If you really are a witch , prove it." Y/n leaned against the bed frame and replied ,"One question at a time, just because I'm a witch doesn't mean I'm not human, think of it as a religion. Hopefully you don't become uninterested by that . As for proving it , I don't know how I would prove it." "Ok, so you're human ,but how come you needed a place to stay? " He asked as he had a notebook out to take notes. "I am not from this universe , I---" Y/n was cut of by Dib ," Wait! Wait, what do you mean by ' you're not from this universe? What's it like in your universe? You're not making it up are you?" Dib seemed skeptical while Y/n folded her arms. She wasn't sure if she should tell him more,' Well I'm already this far down the rabbit hole , might as well. I did offer information about me and stuff I know.' She thought. Y/n continued, " Actually in my universe you're whole world is just a cartoon called Invader Zim , but that doesn't mean that you in this universe are a meaningless cartoon. I'm going to let you take that in for a moment." A looked of disbelief and shock ran across Dib's face . Dib set his notebook down ;he seemed at a loss for words .

ok, Invader Zim x reader or somethingWhere stories live. Discover now