ethpg 19

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Y/n pov still
"Y/n , you're a human, but yet you want to destroy your own planet? Why? " Asked Zim with his mouth full of waffles. "Zim don't talk with your mouth full! You'll choke--sorry. Well I could give you a complex answer that kind of avoids the real reason , but I might as well tell you the real reason as long you don't make fun of me for it. Ok?"
I shifted my self to sit on the waffle now facing Zim looking up. His face did look bigger at this size.
'I do like his eyes, they were red and shiny, cute especially with his antenna. He might as well be ready for Christmas because he's already green and red, just missing the gold. Would they be considered antenna? They're on the back of his head . on most bugs have their antennas are in the front of their head to be used as sort of feelers or noses.' "I promise not to laugh, now tell me ! I must know why would a human want to destroy their entire home planet! Though I can see why Something would destroy this planet, but you're from this planet. It'd be treason," Zim said. "Well Zim I guess it might sart with my father. He would have tried to kill this planet if he knew the things I know at my age, and had the time. He was a hard worker , he taught me things from time to time, me and my brother. He always thought girls were dumb , dumber than a light bulb. I'm almost always just kind of dissapointed when I see a lot of my fellow girls live up to it, though there are a few that are a bit better than them. Both parents don't think I will amount to much in my life. I DON'T WANT TO BE SOME HOMELESS SHIT COOK'N CRACK ON THE STREETS. I want to amount to something , I guess I want them to be proud of me. Then people can't say stupid girls can't do shit, kinda just to prove a point. Plus I've thought about it I only see benefits from getting rid of Earth, any Earth, any planet. I don't want to come back to Earth when I die, nor any planet; like one man once said in the Twilight Zone- If there's people out there, people are alike allover. You're living proof no offense though. Sometimes I doubt myself , maybe a little too much, because what if I'm stupider than I already think I am. What if I'm not intelligent eneugh to even begin destroying this planet, or what if I'm too nice, not saying that I'm nice." I finished finally ending my speech. "I kind of understand , as a little piece of advice from I , THE MIGHTY ZIM, FEEL HONORED!. Don't doubt yourself , believe that you are great , great enough to accomplish your goal, but not as great as me. You must try , and don't ever give up! Don't think about wether or not you're smart enough! Assist me in conquering this world! If you believe you can 'together' I can conquer this world sooner, gaining praise from the Tallest!" Said Zim, whom was standing on his chair looking down on Me. He looked way bigger than the statue of Liberty. Then he settled back down in his chair. "Thank you Zim--" " FEEL HONORED!"
"I am honored very much Zim." I noticed Waffle was becoming less active ; I looked out the window and noticed it was getting darker. " WANT SOME TEA TINY LADY? WAT'UH BOUT' YOU TINY WAFFLE?" Gir screamed while offering tea. "Uhmm Gir not to be rude , but how would I drink the tea? I could fly up to the cup , but I fear I might fall in the cup, Waffle could land wrong , and fly straight into the hot tea," I said . "Wait ooonnee sec , ok?" Said Gir running off to somewhere soon running back with something small in his hand. " HERE ya go, A tiny cup for a tiny lady, HeHEHEHEGEHEHEEHEE." Gir poured some tea overflowing in a tiny doll house cup, then handing it to me. The tea was

arm and smelt very sweet. It smelt like apple tea . I sipped the tea which warmed me to the core, it was actually good. I felt good just by drinking the tea ."You gon' try some tea Waffle? You should try it," I said. Waffle then flew to the pig's cup of tea since it wasn't really drinking it. Waffle enjoyed the tea , the tea reminded Waffle of nectar except sweeter which to Waffle was always a good thing. Waffle could enjoy eating lots of things, but sugar and alcohol was Waffle's favorites.
I felt myself becoming drowsy , the now lukewarm waffle and warm tea wasn't helping; this only made me drowsier. Before I knew it I curled up on the waffle closing my eyes, my grip on my tea cup loosened spilling whatever was left in the cup.

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