Ok the first chapter here we go!

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I y/n [y/n because I didn't want to make a name] is a witch. Because I am neither of Salem, pagan, or catholic.
I woke from a scary nightmare I don't remember. I sat up in the dark , looking around my small room. My eyes wandered toward the doorless doorway to my front side. Lifting the warm blanket off of me I Hopped out of bed. Just as my feet touched the soft white carpet I froze. Some strange presence was here . 'what is it? Oh , universe o air let this just be a mouse or rat in the hall.'
Then I saw a rat or maybe a opossum as soon I peeked out my doorway down the hall. This I used the magic air, for a moment I felt relieved then more anxious than ever. The opussum scurried away , I turned around, and the night sky, but not the night sky was there. Just black it was every where suddenly I felt like I was being turned into applesauce.
It was a cold , burning feeling, I could not really think . The only thought that ran through my head was ,'Please! Please! Make this end!' That thought ran through my head over and over, if I even still had a head .
Suddenly it stopped ,I blacked out. I woke up somewhere different, but familiar. Getting up and looking around I saw I was on the sidewalk . The smell of trash entered my nose as I saw raccoons digging through a trash can nearby . Everything looked different ,'Am I dreaming?' Realization hit me hard. 'This can't be real! This couldn't be that cartoon Invader Zim---could it? Out of nowhere not even really thinking about it ,I ran as fast as I could. Passing by houses and apartments of dark brick colors . 'This place reminds me of skidrow in that one movie, exept more bushes, and a slightly clearer sky.' I thought.
Stopping infront of a big brick building with a sign that said 'SKOOL' .' Well, since apparently I'm here or not I might as well explore , and meet the characters. The cartoon Invader Zim was a really good cartoon. The characters were cute . Even I wanted to exterminate all beings on Earth too. That is my goal , although maybe not for the same reasons as Zim though' I thought as I walked into the school.
While walking I couldn't help but think about how crusty and greasy almost everything was here. The walls looked as though they might have once been white or beige, but now they are discolored. There were so many doors that were bluish, greenish, grey almost matching the floor. 'O Ar rqve E Iei qro iei ver ' I began the spell in my head, " Iei ver rzrbaqk mrzrt qro" I said finishing my spell. Suddenly I knew where to go I followed where my spell lead; almost like sniffing out a trail or following a sound.
A/N Ok , this is chapter one boring I know , next chapter will hopefully be better. Maybe I'll have a better cover , though I really like that picture. Feel free to criticize or tell me what you think. I could probably point out many things wrong with this chapter, but I'm not going to change it much. This is my first cringy fanfiction too.

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