chapter 14

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Y/n woke up to the smell of waffles and Gir screaming ,"I'M MAKIN' WAFFLEZ'!!" Y/n was surprised to find a sheet on her .' Must've been Zim or Gir,' she thought. Crawling out from under the table she stood up and stretched. From the toilet came Zim. "You're awake," said Zim.
Y/n took a seat at the table while Zim sat on the other chair. "What made you so afraid last night ?" Zim asked, while Gir placed stacks of waffles infront of both Zim and Y/n. "This might sound silly , but it was the dark, but not just the dark. It was what I call the Night Sky, this thing seems to be as big as the sky , and is all dark and black. If the Night had no stars , moon and was foggy. It chased me; right before I got to this universe I saw the Night Sky. "
"HHNMMNNMMNM, I think I've heard of something like that before .I've heard it do multiple things it is dark matter , or a sort of dark matter portal thingy. A hole in universes seeping into other universes. These things are dangerous , they can rip you to shreds, EVEN your pathetic human bones. Though it's been told that these dark matter portals are more, as if they are alive. Creatures come through them, some shredded by the portals." Zim explained," I used to see this thing , Eventually I came to a conclusion that I must've been hallucanatin'. Do you think it will be back, does it want to kill me? What would give it a reason to do that, unless it's just plain screwed up laws of gravity and physics. Since I'm from another universe maybe things probably less than a molecular level. Maybe it's attracted to me , like how opposite sides of a magnet attract eachother. How negative atoms attract positive atoms. Polar molecules dissolving in polar molecules. In a way maybe I'm the nonpolar that can't dissolve into this universe because it's the opposite or too different. " Y/n said.
"Well, it could be that , or you really are hallucinating and crazy-- , but that's ok if you are a little crazy! You are useful to me."
'If I die I can't get rid of this world. How can I survive this ? Maybe the Night Sky will leave over time. Ha! most likely in my dreams.' Y/n thought.
" So, should we discuss our evil plan?" Y/n asked grinning , grinning back Zim replied, " Yes, an excellent thing to work on." Y/n pulled out her notebook so Y/n Y/n could keep track. "So , as you have told me humanities greatest weakness is disease, we could sythethsize a 'disease' that will destroy and infect all the humans." Zim said, "Little fast buddy, we need to make humans susetable to the disease , by affecting their food somehow. We get rid of the bugs especially big pollenaters: Bees, wasps, flies, butterflies etc."
"I have tried to do something similar before by trying to infect their food supply of cow meat, but Gir ruined it."
"OH! I remember that episode," said Y/n. "What? Oh," said Zim.
"I think we can build on this idea, we just need to be patient , and let the plan grow , instead of jumping into stuff right away. Plus your species lives for almost an eternity , right? So I'm sure 'you' can be patient for very small while."
" Yes, our species does live what you humans would consider a long time. I myself in Earth years is over a century old," he said proudly .
"That's really old Zim , you're old, an old man as a human, but a really cool old man."

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