chapter 12 might as well

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A/n Are people really reading this stuff? Either way I enjoy writing this.
Y/n Pov
I noticed it was getting dark , well it is November. 'It's really chilly I'd say almost freezing about 34 or 38 farhenhite. I better hurry.' I then started to run to Dib's home when I got there the door was unlocked so I went in. Some one must of heard me because , soon some one came from the kitchen ; It was a tall man wearing proffesor scientists' clothes with lighting bolt hair. " Oh hello , you must be one of my insane son's little friends. " Said the man. "Come have a cup a coffee with ---" " Y/n what are you doing here ?! Here to spy on me and report to Zim?!" Said Dib suddenly walking into the kitchen. "DAD SHES AN EVIL WITCH, AND IS WORKING WITH ZIM!" He said while pointing a finger at me. "Now, now son it's not nice to call someone a witch. My poor insane son."

"Leave Y/n! your not welcome here anymore, I thought I could trust you. I saw you and Zim today in the library. I don't want to have to turn you in , so leave." "Ok," I said solemnly ,"I'm sorry about my poor insane son , I'm sure he couldn't mean it" , "DAD!". I left the house , it was now dark out side," where do I go? Maybe I can try Zim's house. Pulling my hoodie over my h/t hair I started walking briskly. Then something strange happened , maybe I'm just afraid of the dark , but my gut tells me not to turn around. Now walking faster my heart starts racing , feeling a strong presence behind me. Somehow I had an idea of what it was. Maybe I'm just childish, delusional, and crazy. I couldn't take not knowing what was behind me anymore while walking as fast as I could to Zim's house. I turned my head around just a bit to see. I started running as fast as I could when I saw what it was, even when my legs were burning I somehow made myself run faster. I could hear my heartbeat almost trying to break free from my body. I didn't dare look back again for fear that if I did, it would swallow me whole just by looking at it. Finally reaching Zim's door feeling a grain of sand bit relieved , but now scared. Because if no one opens the door , I think I might die here.I bang on the door as loud and wildy as I could. "Come on , come on, come on open the damn fucking door," I seethed under my breath. Finally what felt like eternity in those few seconds Gir opened the door. "HI CHUBBY LADY!" I raced through the doorway slamming the door behind me and locking it. I raced around checking the windows and locking them two while also closing the curtains. I didn't want to see what lay beyond the door , nor did I want it to see me.

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