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Dib, Zim, Betta, Milly and Y/n stared at the creature for what seemed to be a long time. It was like a big angry pitball just barking at you ,threatening to kill you. Except worse; with out a word Dib pushed Zim infront of the monster,
"HERE! EAT HIM!" He said as he sprinted away not looking back. Zim tumbled back, now breathing rapidly in squeaks. A laser that looked similar to some kind of machine gun came out of his pak, it fired at the creature. This only seemed to piss off the green reptile like creature as it let out an angry 'SSSSZZZZCCCCCRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.' Zim scooched away almost trying to make himself smaller while he motioned for the rest of his companions to come to him.

'THAT LIL' SHIT DIB! It's his fault were here! Oh by irq avqka he shall choke on his own blood! He probably won't live long with these creatures, maybe something will crush him.' Y/n thought, but Betta interrupted her thoughts.

"Y/n! That Grabbing-traveling hook. Maybe you can use it as a weapon! It'd rip a hole right in that cleva-gal, but we be goin'.

But no matter where we go, no where is safe now. It has begun."


Y/n quickly pulled out the dark grappling hook,"Zim can you hold onto us?"

Zim with out a word grabbed them in a bunch in a fist, But as quickly he reached for them the monster snapped up Milly.

The creature ate Milly.

"MILLYYY!!! No, N-no," Betta clamped a hand to her mouth as tears ran down her face. Y/n threw the hook end, the hook grabbed onto the monsters neck
Ripping its flesh inward.
The monster thrashed and screeched as it could not escape the portal that had teared its flesh from all angles.

Bones could be heard being crunched and crushed.

Eventually it could no longer scream as its head fell off its mangled bloody neck. The rest of the body squirmed a bit before being still forever as its body was suspended in the air by the dark portal.
Then there was a faint fizzling from the corpse as it started to cook from the darkness; crispy fried chicken legs. Then Zim, Y/n and Betta shot through the portal. As they went through they could smell the burning monster, smelt almost like thanksgiving roasted turkey.

"W-Where are we?" Zim asked jumping up with Y/n and Betta still clenched in his fist. They all took in their surroundings, it was beautiful, but scary. It seems that they were on a floating island in a orangish temple like place. Behind them was many stairs, at the end two giant obelisks along with a faded stone brick path was there.

"You are here," said a watery voice, ahead there was water, floating, spiraling. It was like a giant floating rope of moving water.
Zim jumped back from the water.




"You are is me."

"...Gree---Zim, W-would you set us down partner?"

Zim noticed some of the sadness in Betta's voice as he set Y/n and Betta down on the stone ground.

"Look what's in the sky!" Y/n pointed up to the purple bluish cloudy sky, a giant flying whale flew above. On it's back were what looked like a pair of feathery white wings, that looked really small on the whale. Even more, the wings were oddly placed, more on its lower back.

"Do you see it, it's beautiful? I've never seen such..... it is my time. There are many of me, but I am one of many that die now. I can feel myself breaking apart. Wgrio," the watery voice spoke as the flying whale howled almost like some creaky floor board whining.

"Uhm, what do you mean? Sorry for what?"Y/n asked.

"As I had said to ya Y/n, no where be safe."

" The captain is correct, but I-I can use whatever I have left to send you far from this end, when I send you all, ot shall be of normal height......

Please..... help me....not me...not you...what more can I do? I offer a chance of survival, in trade for you to help Me, not Me, other me. There's people, there's an Earth.....You're all so far from home. Wgrio. Fight for a home, I grant ot the ability to your obsidian string to shift your height, use sparingly.On me, other me, gravity will be stronger. Ay,"
A bright blinding light flashed for a moment they all felt like they were floating. Till all was still.
They awoke on soft grassy ground beneath them with the smell of fresh living floral.

"Zim? Where are you?" Y/n looked around unable to find Zim, till he spoke, sounding different, not so big? ' Gee he almost seems to blend into the grass! If it wasn't for his uniform he would't be such an easy to see red target. Red cars do get pulled over more,' Y/n thought.

"Ugh, I'm over here--,"

"GREENY! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! YOUR LIKE US NOW, or are we as big as you?"

They were all similar height,"Are we normal height? I mean if we were tiny we would be in'a da mud, but were on grass........But this, is that an acorn? ...Well this is confusing, this has to be just a giant acorn. Heh it could be Dib's head, hollow too."

Y/n and Betta discussed these facts and questions until Zim interrupted,"Does it MATTER if we're all big or small?"

Y/n and Betta looked at each other before looking back at Zim, as if they were communicating with their eyes.

"Wait, can I hug you Zim?"

"What? Why--," Zim was pulled into a hug from Y/n, eventually he gently hugged back a little confused.

"It's just that now I can fully wrap my arms around you, heh sorry, I'ma not much for hugs either."

"LET'S GET A MOVE ON!" Betta said.

The place was a sort of a meadow, but there were many giant trees that would make the biggest red-wood tree look like a sprout.
There were many sounds: chirps, hoots, running water. Along with wild tall field flowers. Some looked similar to those sparkly puff balls for 'arts and crafts'. Small purple ones, dandelions, giant dandelions. Y/n admired the flowers, she had never seen flowers so big. She eventually gained her focus back.

"Hehe! Come'on!" Y/n grabbed Zim's hand and ran after Betta dragging Zim.
Zim reluctantly tried to keep up, "Come'on keep up!"

" Oh, Zim can 'KEEP UP' just witness my amazing 'keeping up'"
Long thin metal like spider legs sprouted from Zim's pak as he used them to run ahead.

"Ha! Even when we're the same height Zim still out runs you!"

Y/n was now climbing up a steep hill as fast as possible," AY, You got spooder legs! So we're not the same height!"

"All right," Zim went back and helped Y/n up the hill.

"Uh, wait partners up here. I spy a village, we don't know if they be hostile. But I do hope they got us some whiskey, I definitely go for some."

About a half a mile away was a village with houses made of sticks ,and straws while next to a sort of cliff side. Holes were dug into the cliff as homes.

ok, Invader Zim x reader or somethingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum