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Zim's pov
I was working on a part of the bomb that would keep the bomb from exploding imedietly when I felt something land on my face. It was a filthy Earth fly, I was about to swat until I noticed something on the fly. "EH? Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? I trusted you to stay in the jar!" Why did she leave the jar? Doesn't she understand that she could get lost , hurt, or squished. Especially with Gir , I almost gurantee he would squash her somehow. I don't want to see her get squished --ehh, because she has been so useful to me. " Uhhmmm, I got bored , also I got a little hungry. As for being on the fly , I found the fly, because flies are easy to impose the magic air on," said Y/n. "Well, I could take a break," I said while the fly with Y/n on it fly to my shoulder. ' She's kind of cute when she's this small, it also makes me the tallest. Ahr I can't think that she's even a little bit cute, it would be a weakness, and an invader can not be weak!
She is at most some sort of accomplice'.

I went to the main floor of the house to see Gir was having a tea-party with a pig and a stack of waffles. The fly imedietly zoomed off my shoulder to one of the waffles. "HEY TINY LADY! HAVE SOME MA' WAFFLES -- they have chocolate in'em. I sat down at the table that had a smaller table on it. Then I decided to climb on the table pulling my chair up on to the table. The chair was a little taller than the heart shaped chairs the pig and Gir Sat on.
Y/n pov
The fly landed on the waffles. I hopped off the fly onto the squishy warm waffles. I could smell the waffles strongly , My vision was filled with yellow tan color of the waffles. As if grass wasn't grass and it was waffles. Kneeling down I tore off a piece of waffle and ate it. The fly had also begun eating the waffle with its trunk like mouth. " This is great! Ya know I should give you a name , hhhmmmm," Y/n now had the flies attention, though the fly could not really hear , it could in some degree listen to her ; the fly was interested , but it didn't understand why it was. "YOU'RE GONNA NAME THAT FILTHY THING?! Do realize how disgusting that thing is!? Also how come fly is sticking by your side like one of those hairy smelly dog monsters?" Zim said, while deciding to take a waffle the fly hasn't touched. " I think I should name you ..... Waffle! Waffle the house fly. What do you think Waffle?" I said, I could tell Waffle was ok with the name , and was even happy that it was having fun while making an interesting friend. Which isn't what most flies would do, but I had used the magic air on Waffle.

A/n / 'some' words about the fly--I justed wanted to say flies are easy to impose the magic air on. Well not necessarily EZ, but so far easiest I've tried in that manner of directing it. I have tried spiders specifically jumping spiders ,but they don't do as well as flies; they seem to have more will that they keep, but doesn't exactly mean they're intelligent. I have done this numerous times with flies especially when I'm bored in class , though it takes some concentration and visulizing. Maybe they're easier to 'control' because they're almost unpredictable in some ways zooming all over. That is just my opinion or I really am sort of crazy, no more likely mad than crazy. I know flies are disgusting, carry disease , vomit on food, etc. Flies are interesting and disgusting, but I've met few house flies that listened very well, and were very nice . It is fun when you can't take a nap in class for some reason , and are utterly bored. School is just as germ ridden as a fly, literally. Might as well hang with a fly. Well that was a long Authors note.

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