ethpage 27

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Y/n pov
I woke up under something dark, the floor was soft and warm. The floor seemed alive , I heard and felt a heart beat . I nearly paniced until I remember last night, but it was fuzzy , and I don't remember earlier details. Crawling from under a claw, that I now could see it was a gloved three fingered hand. Looking up above the red uniform I saw Zim's face. Zim was asleep.'Waffle?' With that thought Waffle came zooming towards me from the kitchen. The smell of waffles filled my nose," Do de do de de do," I heard from the kitchen. Gir must be cooking waffles. Waffle was now infront of me grooming himself, then I felt a light headache. "Hey, Waffle got any headaches from last night? What all happened? Why did I agree with you to drink wine?"
I got a confirmation from Waffle that he did have headaches , that they were about 100 times worse than the one I had currently. Though he is feeling fine now. "So what have you done so far today?" 'A tea party with the blue shiny grey person,' was the response from Waffle. Suddenly I felt the body underneath me shift. This alarmed Waffle and he flew off," Maybe I should put a leash on that fly," I muttered. I fell as Zim started to get up from the couch. Before I hit the floor I felt my land on something sooner and softer. Zim had caught me with one of his hands quickly , but almost stumbling in the process.
"Y/n , there is something I want you to have, it's in the lab." zim's hand had moved closer to his body. I could feel a bit of breeze as he walked to the kitchen to go to the lab. I didn't stand in the palm of his hand, I sat untill Zim stopped. I could not really see, so I had to peek over his thumb. The hand lowered to a metal purplish table. I climbed off his hand onto the metal table, I saw some things that looked like boots and gloves. Zim gestured towards the boots and gloves that seemed to be made out of some light metal like aluminum or tin. The things were also a dark color of blue, or maybe purple. " These I have specially designed for you, they have not yet been tested. These will give you more strength , helping you to help me. Now PRAISE ME!" He explained. He made these for me, these would be useful. "Thank you very much Zim," I said while I tried the boots and gloves on. I was excited to know if these would work; I was even flattered that Zim made this for me. "Now try lifting this medium sized iron ball," I did as instructed using the gloves I was able to lift the iron ball above my head, but with some difficulty. Zim grabbed the ball from my hand that was raised above my head. He had a face of curiousity and interest with a hand on his chin. " Hhhhmm, Hhhnnnmm interesting, now try lifting this one," I was faced with a bigger iron ball. The iron ball was probably as tall or taller than a one story house at my size. I struggled to lift the ball, I almost lifted it, but I dropped it and it rolled away. "Hnnn , try, jumping up , as high as you can." When I jumped I felt my stomache turn into a not , I was surprised at how high I had jumped , despite it not being very high even at high size. I did a few more tests till Zim seemed satisfied with tests for now. " This maybe random, but how will I break into the labs?" I asked. "I have done some research into these labs, I believe it will be possible for you to enter through the ventilation. The viruses I assume will be located under the middle of the building. For now we attend school," with that he scooped me up again.

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