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Y/n pov
"Why don't I just show you?" With that Zim picked me up , in a closed hand. Zim had moved quickly, I couldn't really see since I was inside his closed hand. His hand opened eventually letting light through. Before us was a sort of long thin bridge and at the end of the bridge in the large room was a ship that was magenta colored.  The round glass window popped open , in the ship there was a strange seat , a couple levers, and a panel board with symbols on things that looked like. buttons. Zim's hand moved to his shoulder as he placed me on it. "Hold on Y/n, WERE GOING TO --- SPACE!", I gripped on the fabric on his shoulder as we started to move up. I could see the whole town from up here, we went higher till the town was nothing but squares lost in mist. We got To space which was so dark, with some shining specks. After some time we stopped the space craft turned so we were facing Earth. Since the space ship stopped , I started to float. "Wow, there's so much space, in space! It's so dark, It's so strange to see Earth from here." Floating toward the window I saw many clouds on Earth," Eh, it's not that amazing, there's so much more in space.--- There's something else I want give you, a communicator so you can communicate with me from a distance on our missions," he said. Turning myself to face Zim I saw his eyes which were like two magenta vertical ponds. I couldn't stop myself from staring at them. " Uh-eh--- Y/n? Why are you just staring at me? Are you okay?" Quickly I looked away,"S-sorry, I gotten lost for a sec'." Then I was suddenly grabbed gently out of the air in one of Zim's hands; He handed me something that looked like a really small walkie talkie. It was round with a dark blue color, and a grey antenna sticking from it,"Thank you Zim, again," I said stuffing the walkie talkie in my pocket."I believe we should head back to the base now, Gir shouldn't be left alone for long." He said while I felt something , pet me? Snapping my head around I saw it was Zim who was petting me with his other hand, "A-are you , petting me!?" I almost felt angered, but at the same time I enjoyed it , a little. Zim must've noticed this because he didn't stop untill we headed back to Earth. I fell asleep in his hand.

Zim's pov
When we got back I carried Y/n back to the main floor,"GIR!"  Gir now stood front and center with Waffle on his head,"YES SIR!" " I need you to make sure Y/n is ok, don't wake her, human sleep is silly, but she would die with out 'sleep', remember she's not a toy. I have much work to do down in the labs!!" Then I handed Y/n to Gir, I hoped she would be ok. Then Gir held Y/n like a tiny teddy bear and started snoring on the floor. I went down to the computer sitting in a curved seat. "COMPUTER! Run a diagnosis on me. Lately I have had a strange feeling, I think Y/n has infected me with some sort of illness, or is controlling me somehow. I can't help , but to help her...and I don't want to let her go when she's with me." A mechanical arm came down, a red light ran over my body, shining as a red line in my eye for a moment, then the arm retreated to where it came from. "ANALYZING, DIAGNOSIS--- AFFECTION. You hold affection
or care of well being of Y/n Sir," The computer explained. "AFFECTION!? So, I'm not sick? An invader can't hold affection! What would the tallest say!? HOW DO I GET RID OF THIS AFFECTION COMPUTER!? GIVE ZIM ANSWERS!!" Crossing my arms I waited for a reply,"...A suggested solution , might be to not have Y/n around anymore. She caused you to have affection for her... so getting rid of her might get rid of the affection, along with forgetting her."

ok, Invader Zim x reader or somethingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin