Dating App

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"Hey, what's going on?" Matt asks.


"You seem distracted lately."

"Oh, sorry." You lock your phone. "Sorry, I'm here. What's up?"

"Nothing, I can tell there's something going on and I wanted to know what it is."

"I'm sorry, I just—" You sigh. "I'm lonely. And I know I have you, and Foggy, and Karen, but I can't expect you guys to be around all the time. And I want romantic love in my life, you know?"

"Yeah, who doesn't?" He grins. "Did you meet someone?"

"Uh, sort of? I'm talking to like five people right now."

He raises his brows. "Five?"

"Yeah. You have to promise not to laugh at me."

"It doesn't sound like I have any business laughing. You're doing pretty well for yourself."

"Yeah, well, it's how I came to be doing so well for myself that you're going to laugh at."

He snorts. "What, did you get a dating app?"


"Come on, tell me; I won't laugh." He says through an honest to god giggle.

You set down your drink and wait for him to pick up on the silence.

"Wait, you're serious?" He asks, his grin fading.

"Yeah, dipshit. It's not the worst thing in the world."

"I know, but why?"

"Because I want to find someone and how else is it going to happen? Work has failed to bring up any promising prospects. I'm not going to walk into a coffee shop and find my true love behind the counter."

He sighs. "I know. You're being careful, right?"

"Yes, Matt. I'm being careful."

"You know, if you're ever uncomfortable, or scared, or even if things didn't go the way you wanted them to and you need an out, I'm a phone call away."

"I appreciate it, Matt."

"Yeah, I mean it. I want you to be safe."

"Thanks, Matt. So what about you? Any lucky ladies?"

He chuckles. "Well, I'm old-fashioned. I like to meet ladies at the bar and take them home."

You snort. "What a gentleman."

"Hey, they are always extremely enthusiastic."

"Well, I hope so, Matthew."


Matt doesn't know why this whole dating app thing isn't sitting well with him. It's been a few weeks and a few dates. Yes, he's concerned, but it's more than that. When you mentioned it, it worried him, yes, but there was a pang of something else. Anger? That doesn't make sense. He can't be mad because of how you're choosing to date. Except that he is and he doesn't know why.


"Hey Matt, anything you want to tell me?" Foggy asks as he walks into Matt's apartment.

"Uh, is there something you know about that you think I should've told you already?"

"I don't know. Y/n joined a dating site."

Matt tightens his fist and clenches his jaw. "And?"

"And she's been keeping me up to date— no pun in— no, pun fully intended— on who she's with and where she's going. She said-- and I quote: so you know where to start looking for my killer if I end up in a ditch somewhere."

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