Valentine's Day

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This is the first Valentines Day that you've had a significant other to share it with. You've never been particularly good at expressing your emotions, so you have no clue what to do. What do people even do besides the obvious? Poems- not happening; flowers- maybe; sex- for sure. But you want to do something special that's in the spirit of the holiday, but creative. And for that, the internet is a wonderful place.


"Foggy. I have a weird request." Matt starts.

"Weirder than 'hey Foggy, Claire's out of town and I need you to come make sure I don't die for a couple hours?'"

"Different weird?" He offers.

"What a relief. What's up, Matt?"

"I need you to help me get ready for Valentine's Day. I want to look nice for y/n."

"You want me to do a makeover montage with you? You should've led with that."

Matt grins. "Thank you, Foggy."

"What are friends for?"


It's almost lunch on Valentine's day and you're a little upset you haven't even gotten a phone call. Of course, you and Matt had talked about meeting at his place later, but you can't help but want an I love you before that. Not that you couldn't call him. You will on your break. So, you go back to work until lunch rolls around. After hours of watching the minutes tick by, lunch comes. Now that it's here, you take your time signing off your computer and gathering your things. When you turn to leave, you jump about a foot. Matt is leaning in the entryway of your cubicle, holding a bouquet of flowers, and smiling fondly.

"Uh, is there a Ms. L/n here? I was told to deliver these."

You take the flowers and set them on your desk before throwing your arms around his neck. "Perfect timing. Want to have lunch with me?"

He gives you a sweet smile and tugs you closer by the waist. "That's what I was hoping for."


It's almost worse having to go back to work after getting to spend time with Matt. The rest of the day you keep looking over at the flowers he brought you, wanting nothing more to go home and be with him. Except, he's working too. When 5:00 finally rolls around, you all but fly out the door.


"Matt, I'm home!" You call when you walk into the apartment.

"I'm in here." He calls from the bedroom.

"And here I was, thinking you were going to be all romantic today." You say on your way to the bedroom. When you get there, the cheesecake pose [You know the one. One arm holding his head up, the other resting flat along his body. He has one leg bent, the other stretched out against the bed.] And the single red rose between his teeth have you cackling at the man before you. "Matt, I would like you to know that I support this 100%"

He takes the rose out of his mouth, grinning. "While I was going for sexy, I'll take it." He says, getting up and closing the distance between you, handing you the rose.

You set the rose (that you're definitely pressing and saving forever) down on the dresser. "I never said you weren't sexy." You correct him, pulling him forward by his dress shirt which- really Matthew? has four buttons undone.

He leans in, brushing his lips against yours. "You don't have to say anything. Your body speaks for itself. Pheromones are very strong. I know right away when you find something sexy. Also, you were laughing at me." He pauses, feeling your skin heat as your hands roam his chest.

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