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You're at the bar with Matt, Karen, and Foggy. You usually turn down their offers because your boyfriend always guilts you into staying with him. They've never stopped asking though, and tonight it's something you're grateful for.

"Y/n, are you okay? You've been quiet all evening." Karen observes.

You shake your head. "I can't talk about it right now. I'm not ready to cry in front of you guys yet." You let out a humorless laugh.

Foggy shrugs. "Why not? Do you think we're type of people who would judge you for that?"

"I know you're not like that. I judge myself though."

"Well we're here for you if you need to talk." Karen offers and Foggy nods in agreement. Matt just sits on the other side of Foggy sipping on his drink in silence.

"Thanks guys." You give them a tight lipped smile.

"So where's the boyfriend?" Foggy tries to be subtle, making sure he's not the problem. Then again, subtlety has never been his strongsuit. Although, this is one of his better attempts.

You look down. "He's packing his stuff. We broke up."

Foggy and Karen give you sympathetic looks and tell you they're sorry. They talk about how breakups suck as they try their best to console you. While they're doing this you hear Matt mumble something that sounds a lot like the word "good."

"Sorry Matt, I couldn't hear what you said."

He clears his throat. "I'm sorry he hurt you, but I think it's for the best that he's out of your life." He can feel the glares and blank stares coming from the three of you, so he continues. "I know it doesn't matter what I think, it's why I never said anything, but I never liked how he treated you." He's met with more silence. "Come on, are you trying to tell me you liked it when he told you he didn't want you going out for drinks? Or when you'd say something and he'd dismiss your opinion, then act like his was law?"

"Matt, buddy. I don't think that's what she wants to hear right now." Foggy tries to calm Matt.

"No, it's okay. I think it's what I need to hear. But for a while he was actually sweet when we were alone. I don't know what got into him when we were in public."

"He's insecure, so he has to be arrogant in front of others to make up for it." Karen states.

"You sound like you know from experience." You tell her.

She nods. "I didn't get it at the time either; I had to figure it out later."

"Thanks guys. I didn't know I'd feel better about this tonight. I didn't think I could."

"See, talk to your friends, it works. I mean, it's mostly thanks to Matt and his bluntness." He claps a hand on Matt's shoulder. "It paid off this time buddy."

You smile at Foggy's bantering. "Well I just got a text from him saying that he left. I guess I'll head home."

"I'll take you." Matt offers.

"You don't have to do that. I'm just going to throw on a pair of sweatpants and cry into a tub of ice cream while I watch Friends."

"Are you sure? I'm happy to be the shoulder you cry on."

"Actually that would be nice." You agree, knowing he wouldn't have offered again if he was just being nice. You gave him the perfect out to not seem like a jerk.

He slides off the bar stool and offers his arm. "Shall we?"

"We shall." You turn to Foggy and Karen. "Bye guys."

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