He's Way Out of My League

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In the months since you met Matt, you've gotten close. Often when Foggy and Karen pair off, you and Matt spend the time together. You wanted tonight to be one of those nights, but Matt told you he needed to catch up on a case. You've noticed that he uses this excuse a lot.

"Hey Matt, did I do something wrong, or offend you in some way?" You ask into the phone.

"Oh y/n. No, it's nothing like that." He tells you from the other end. "I keep getting behind on work because I'm not sleeping well at night. I know I say it a lot, but I'm not lying to you."


"I just want you to know that I'm not avoiding you." He pauses. "It has been a while since we've done anything." He pauses again, but it lasts longer this time. "I miss you."

Those three words coming from Matt in that ever present flirty tone, cause a warmth to spread through you. It's unlike anything you've felt in a while. You only let yourself live in it for a second before you crush it down. After all, Matt is way out of your league. "I miss you too." You finally respond. "We should plan something soon."

"Yeah. Do you have plans this Friday?"

"Not yet."

"Okay, well we should meet for coffee or something."

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."


About midweek, you have a craving for doughnuts so naturally, you buy a dozen. After you have two, you realize that it was a bad decision. By no means do you need to finish a dozen doughnuts by yourself. Even over a week. You look at the clock and decide you have time to run the remaining ten over to Nelson and Murdock. Karen greets you when you get there.

"Hey, sorry for coming in unannounced. You aren't too busy right now, are you?"

Foggy walks out of his office. "No. Murdock isn't even here yet. Right now we're just Nelson, attorney at law."

"Well lets see if we can finish these doughnuts before he gets here then." You hold up the box.

"That, is the best idea I've heard all morning." Foggy and Karen come over and claim their share of the doughnuts.

"What's the occasion?" Karen asks.

"My eyes are bigger than my stomach."

Foggy nods. "So what's new with you? Have you and Matt started going out yet?"

Karen smacks his arm.

"Uh, no. Is there a reason we should be?" You try to cover up your interest.

Foggy shrugs. "You just seem like you like each other. What do I know?"

"Apparently not much. He's way out of my league."

"Who's way out of your league?" Matt questions as he walks in.

"Uh, just this guy at work."

Matt throws you a smile. Even if he hadn't heard that you were talking about him, he'd know you're lying about this 'guy at work.' "I don't see how that's possible. You seem like you'd be a real catch." He tries to make it sound like he's teasing you, but everyone hears the sincerity behind his words.

Foggy just raises his eyebrows as if to say 'I told you so' before moving on. "So, in other news, y/n brought doughnuts." Foggy exclaims.


You've been sitting at the coffee shop, talking with Matt for over an hour when your conversation lulls into comfortable silence. All you want to do is use the opportunity to tell Matt how you feel about him.

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