Look at Me

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You walk into Matt's firm, hoping to surprise him. It's always hard due to his senses, but you're determined to succeed one of these days.

"Matt? Is that you?" You hear Foggy call.

"No, it's me. The girlfriend."

Foggy comes out of his office. "Oh hey. Matt just left for lunch."

"Damn. I was hoping to surprise him."

"You know that's near impossible with his senses." As the words are leaving his mouth, you see a look of panic and fear growing on his face.

"It's okay Foggy, I know he's Daredevil."

Foggy lets out a breath. "Thank God. You know, it would be nice if he kept me in the loop on this stuff. Does Karen know yet?"

"Not that he's told me." You pause. "Speaking of which, where is she?"

"She called in sick. Between you and me, I think she's just blowing us off."

"Hey, everyone uses at least one sick day for that."

"True. But Matt and I are cool bosses."

You laugh.

"So talk to me. What's new with you and Matt? Or just you, whatever." He asks.

"What, Matt doesn't talk to you about this stuff?"

"Not really. He's different with you. Maybe it's because you're actually dating and he's not just sleeping with you. He talks about how great you are but I don't know. It's almost like he's shy about you. And trust me, Matt is many things, but shy is not one of them."

"Really? Because whenever he's around me, specifically when he goes to touch me, he seems so nervous."

"Matt Murdock? Are you serious?"

"Yeah. He's always so deliberate and short outside of the bedroom. He almost acts scared and I don't get it."

"Yeah, that's strange. How long have you been together now, six months?"

"Seven." You think for a minute. "You might know the answer to this. I know Matt could see until he was nine. Does he ever feel people's faces?"

"Uh yeah. Has he never done that with you?"

"No. He hasn't even brought it up."

"Then how do you know about it? Do you know someone else who's blind?"

"No. It's actually a little embarrassing. When we first met, I did a quick google search on what not to ask a blind person because I didn't want to offend him or sound like a broken record. I found this site with a bunch of articles about blind people and it was actually interesting so I kept reading. Anyway, there was one that talked about how if a person wasn't born blind, or is partially sighted, it can help form a mental image. "

Foggy smiles. "Okay, that's adorable. I'm totally telling Matt."

"Please don't."

"You expect me to keep that gem to myself? I don't think I can."

"I think you can and you will if you ever want me to keep anything secret for you."

He sighs. "Fine."

"Anyway, it also mentioned that Hollywood has romanticized the whole thing. Most blind people are usually too embarrassed to actually do it. But that hasn't been the case with Matt?"

"Not that I know of. If anything, he uses it as a pick up line. You should bring it up."

"You don't think it would make him uncomfortable?"

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