The Scarlet Watcher

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Request from @Angryangel61

"Thank you for doing this." You tell Bucky as he walks you into the Avengers compound.

"Of course. I know what you're going through and it's terrifying. I'm glad that what I went through can help someone else instead of just making me wish for insomnia."

"You have the dreams too?"

"I think most people exposed to as much violence as we were, have them." He opens the door for you before following you in.

"Yeah, I guess PTSD isn't uncommon."

"I wish we could help with that too."

"Just knowing I'm not alone, helps. It seems obvious but it's easy to forget, you know?"

Before he can answer, none other than Tony Stark is walking through, interrupting. "Hey, Bucky, who's your friend?"

Bucky takes a minute to introduce you. "She was subject to the same program I was. I brought her here to share what Steve and I have found helps me."

Tony nods. "Well, good. I'm glad this can be a beacon for change. That's what I wanted the tower back in New York to be before I sold it. Have Steve call me if you need anything. It was nice to meet you, y/n."

You barely get out a stammered you too before he's gone.

Bucky laughs at you. "Come on."

When you get to Steve's room, he has all manner of papers laid out along with a Stark Pad projecting multiple tabs about psychology and triggered behaviors. The Winter Soldier even made it onto the Wikipedia page. It's a lot to walk in on. When Steve sees you, he stands, making his way over to wrap you in his arms.

"It's so good to see you. I'm glad we could finally set this up."

"Me too. So what all have you found?"

"Well, one of the first things we untangled about Bucky's training was that there's a series of words Hydra used to trigger the Winter Soldier. What they didn't bother to do was to set a trigger to bring him out of it."

You almost laugh at the idea. "No, after you do your job, they call you back, wipe your memory, and put you in the fridge until they need you again. I do remember that much."

Steve exchanges a sympathetic glance with Bucky. "Right, well, that was one of the first steps we took with Bucky. We can't stop them from coming after you and triggering you into being their obedient assassin but we can pull you out of it."

You nod. "I guess that's as much as I can hope for right now. I mean, Captain America and his loyal sidekick have my back.

Bucky shoves you. "Oh, shut up."

Steve smiles watching the exchange.

For your part, you thank your lucky stars that you have friends who can make light of even this nightmare.


You've been spending a lot of time at the compound recently. Enough that while you're sitting at the bar facing the kitchen, Natasha strolls in asking about your love life.

"So, what's your status? Is there a lucky guy— or girl in your life?"

You let out a breath. "I've been too focused on myself lately to care about all those games people play. Dancing around what they both want. It's exhausting. Anyway, even if I was dating someone, I wouldn't consider them lucky." Steve's sharp glare at your self-deprecation doesn't go unnoticed by you.

"Would you be open to a blind date?" Natasha moves on, grinning like she knows something you don't. No doubt she does.

You snort. "If anyone else asked me that it would be a hard no. I have no desire to go spend an awkward couple hours with some guy who's going to run away the second he realizes I can kick his ass. But since it's you, I'll hear you out."

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