The Only One Part II

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Eventually, Nelson and Murdock's client won the case. To a great extent, due to your testimony and others like it. You've managed to find a support group in the couple months since she won the case, and it's proven helpfu. You're able to move on with your life without thinking about what happened all the time. You're still passionate about the topic when people bring it up, but for the most part, you're better.

You're meandering through the farmers market when someone walks up beside you.

"Uh, would you mind telling me how much these strawberries are? The person manning the booth seems to be busy."

You turn to look at the man talking when no one responds to him. "Matt?"

He tilts his head to the side. "Y/n?"

"Yeah, it's me, hi."

He smiles. "It's good to see you again- if you'll pardon the expression."

You chuckle. "Yeah, it's good to see you too." You suddenly remember his question. "Oh shit, were you talking to me just now?"

He chuckles. "Yeah. These are strawberries, right?"

You laugh. "Two blind jokes in under a minute? That has to be some sort of record."

He chuckles. "I have to have a sense of humor."

"Yeah, I guess you would, people probably put their foot in their mouth a lot."

He lets out a good natured laugh. "Yeah. So how are you doing?"

"I'm doing a lot better. I found a support group and It's helping."

He smiles when he hears the truth in your steady heartbeat. "I'm glad to hear it."

"Thanks. Are you guys okay?"

He furrows his brows at your concerned tone. "Uh, yeah. Should we be worried?"

"I've been worried about you guys."

"Why? What's up?"

"Well, you may have won this case, but that just puts a target on your back. When Kilgrave finds out about this, he's going to come after you."

"We can take care of ourselves. It's okay."

"No. Not from him you can't."

He sighs. "You know, Karen, our secretary and friend, she came to us and gave us a similar warning about Fisk. Before we took him out."

"Matt, Kilgrave is not Fisk. I'm not trying to downplay your accomplishments, but you need to understand what you're dealing with here. Fisk was like an infection, dangerous, even deadly if left untreated, yes. But Kilgrave is like cancer. It's a fight you can throw everything you have at and still not win. Not one person he's come into contact with has been able to resist him. I know you guys aren't helpless, but it worries me."

"Okay, note taken. We'll be careful."

"I'm sorry; I don't mean to come off as crazy or paranoid."

He shakes his head. "You're dealing with a lot right now and he's still out there. Thank you for caring."

You fall into one of the most awkward silences of your life after that. You don't know what else to say, but how do you end the conversation now? 'Okay, well it was nice seeing you again, stay safe'? It's not like you want it to end, but you still don't know him, and you've never been the best conversationalist.

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