One Day We'll get Nostalgic for Disaster

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This is a request from @HighFunctioningSarah and it's the longest short I've written. I hope you enjoy all 24 pages

You overhear your boss before he even approaches you with the request. Which is why you even give it a second thought. Sometimes when you overhear someone else's thoughts, it seems like it would be easier to force them not to act on it. In all reality that would be easier. It wouldn't be right, though.

You've never liked the abilities you were dealt. They've always made you feel like you were somewhere you had no business being. Like you were privy to information that shouldn't be yours. Which you would argue is less of a feeling and more of the truth. But morals on this matter are becoming less and less black and white with the ever growing number of people with powers. But you still don't like reading minds, and you would definitely never use your powers to control another person. Only if it was a life or death situation. And unfortunately for you, this is not.

"Hey, detective y/l/n, can we talk?" Your boss tells, more than asks, on his way to his office.

You sigh, standing to follow him and preparing yourself for the conversation ahead of you. When you enter his office, you shut the door behind you. "What is it captain?"

"I want you to find and unmask Daredevil."

You overheard him thinking about his conversation with one of Fisk's men. You know that's why he's doing it, and it makes you even more reluctant to use your powers in this way. "He's a criminal, I'm fairly certain that's what we're all trying to do."

"Y/n, would you sit?" He motions to the chair in front of you.

You do as you're asked and wait for him to continue.

"Now, I know with your abilities, you have a strict moral code you hold yourself to, and with all the power you have, it's- well, it's more than most of us could do."

"Thank you, sir."

He nods. "But I'm asking you to use them now. This Daredevil is more than a common criminal. I'm sure as an officer of the law, you understand that."

"I do, and I understand that what he's doing is illegal, but he's not hurting innocent people; he's not killing anyone-"

"That we know of."

"It's not in his profile. Like I said, I know what he's doing is illegal but with respect, I don't think he's our biggest problem right now. I definitely don't think I have any right invading- or controlling his mind, assuming I could even get close enough."

"Vigilante's are dangerous, effective or not. But do you know why the effective ones are the ones we need to take out?"

"Take out?"

"You know what I mean. Put away. They're the most dangerous because they undermine our power. They make people think that the police can't do their job, and when citizens think we can't do our job, they start taking things into their own hands. We lose their trust. So make no mistake, no matter what his intentions are, he is most definitely a threat to the good people of New York."

You sit in silence for a while. "I just-"


"If I say yes if I go down this path, I'm breaking my code. If I do that, how do I stop myself from becoming Kilgrave? Or any other power drunk moron bent on having their way, for that matter."


Matt and Foggy make their way down the halls of precinct 15 thanks to a tip from Brett. Matt's listening to Foggy brief him on the potential client when he overhears a rather interesting conversation.

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