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You're sitting at the bar getting drunk off your ass after a lousy day. Foggy and Karen have long since gone home and Matt volunteered to stay at the bar with you and make sure you got home safe.

"Hey, I think that's enough." Matt tries to coax the bottle out of your hands.

"I don't care what you think Matt. I am a grown, thinking, adult who can decide for herself how much alcohol to consume."

He sighs. "I know that. But you're thinking significantly less right now. Let's at least go home if you're going to finish the bottle."

"Whose home? We don't live together Mr. Abs McScrufferson." You trail a finger down his chest before poking at it a few times.

"Okay, we're taking you home now." He helps you stand.

"I know you're just saying we so you don't sound bossy."

"Okay. May I please take you home Miss?" He bows.

And in your current state, it's the funniest thing you've heard. "You may, good sir." You loop your arm in his.

"Okay, I'm going to fold up my cane, can you be my eyes?"

"I'm drunk, not a child Matt. Yes I can be your eyes."

He smiles. "Good."

And just as Matt is about to have you out the door, you hear a guy yell at the TV, insulting Daredevil.

"Hold on Matt." You slip your arm out of his and walk over and punch the guy in the jaw.

Half the bar turns to look at you. Matt scrubs his hand down his face before sprinting over to intervene before anything else happens.

"I will have you know that he's doing great things for this city and you should respect him."

The man hits you before standing, towering over you. "You know what I think? I think you should respect the differing opinions of your fellow citizens."

Matt has to control his temper and not start a full on brawl with the guy himself. Instead, he walks over, gritting his teeth as he gets between the two of you. "Sir, I'm sorry she punched you, but don't ever touch her again." He warns in his most authoritative voice before grabbing your arm and leading you out of the bar.

"You're lucky you're blind man, otherwise I'd kick your ass." The man calls after Matt as he leaves with you.

"Y/n. you can't do stuff like that. That's how you get hurt."

"But Daredevil isn't bad."

He sighs. "I know. I'm sure he's trying to do his best for his city, but he knows what he does is controversial. I'm sure he's even at war with himself about it; but he wouldn't want you putting yourself in danger in his name. Okay?"

You look at Matt. "You act like you're close with the guy."

"I'm just speculating. But he's shown that he's working to keep this city safe. Wouldn't want to give him more work, right? I mean, this is Hell's Kitchen; he's already got his plate full."

"Fiiinnneee Matt. I won't punch anymore guys in his name." You pause. "I totally could've taken him if you hadn't stepped in though."

"Y/n, I love you, but you're over confident."

"You love me?"

Matt panics for a moment at how serious you sound. "Yeah, of course. You're one of my closest friends." He shrugs, hoping you don't pick up on how high pitched his voice is.

"You should've seen your face just now." You laugh. "You loooovvvveeee me."

"Come on. Are we in third grade?" He chuckles.

Matt Murdock ShortsWhere stories live. Discover now