Wait what?

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When you put on your mask and went out to fight crime, the last thing you expected was running into Daredevil. Much less in your current predicament; he has you pinned to a wall as his hand tightens around your throat. You saw him fighting a group that far outnumbered him and decided to help. But when it came down to the two of you, he didn't stop fighting. Fine. You thought. If he wanted to keep going, you wouldn't disappoint. Hence why you're close to becoming light headed as you struggle against him. You have no qualms with fighting dirty, so you knee him in the crotch. It doesn't do as much as it should, thanks to his suit. It puts him off balance enough for you to grab him and push him onto his back.

"I'm on your side asshole." You spit before vaulting off into the distance.


Matt lays on his back, catching his breath for a minute. He can still smell the other vigilante, and it bothers him how familiar her scent is. He can't place where he knows it from, but it's intoxicating. Her heartbeat is annoyingly distinctive as well. It makes his heart swell, but he pushes the feeling away. You're the only one who makes him feel like that and he's a little ashamed this vigilante has sparked something in him. He needs to forget about her and get home to you.


Once you get a safe distance away from Daredevil, you tilt your watch so it'll catch the street light. 12:30, fuck. You hadn't meant to stay out this long; Matt must be beside himself by now. He does keep odd hours though, maybe he'll be out. You should still have an excuse ready though.

To your surprise, he's not there when you get home. It gives you pause, but you figure he has a good reason and count it as a blessing. You're able to get out of the shower and sit down with a snack when he walks in the door. His hair is disheveled, and he looks exhausted. He sets his cane against the wall and hangs up his coat before he walks over to the sofa and wraps you in a clumsy hug.

"Hey babe." You say into his shoulder. "You're home late."

He runs his hands along your back and kisses your cheek as he pulls away. "Uh, yeah. Sorry, I lost track of time at work."

You run a hand through his hair and pull him in for a kiss. "I know you're trying to do good here, but you need to stop working yourself so hard."

He sighs. "I know. And I mean it, I'm sorry. I want to spend more time with you."

"It's okay." You let your hand slide down from where it's buried in his hair, to cup his cheek. "Let's get you to bed."

He gives you a tired smile and pecks you on the lips. "I'm going to shower, then I'll meet you in there."

"Okay. Matt, I love you."

A smile flickers across his face. "I love you too."


The next night, Karen texts you asking if you want to join the little office for drinks. You agree, and soon you're on your way to Josie's.

When you get there, you sit across from Karen and Foggy. "Hey guys." They exchange hello's and you don't wait long to ask where Matt is. Foggy barely has time to mumble out "bathroom" before Karen is gasping.

"Oh my god, what happened?" She motions to your neck.

You could kick yourself for forgetting your scarf. "Oh, it's nothing."

She gives you an incredulous look. "Bullshit. I know what those bruises are. Did Matt do this?" She leans in.

"What? No." You shake your head. "Matt wouldn't hurt me. Anyway, do you think I'd let that happen to myself?"

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