Death and Destruction Raining From the Sky

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Everyone knows where they were when the portal opened and aliens flew into Manhattan, bent on world domination. Everyone remembers who they were with, and what they dropped as they saw the footage with their own two eyes. You were in a little diner, with a boy named Matthew, who you barely knew. You dropped your fries.


"So, are we studying here?" Matt asks as he taps his way over to the bench you're sitting on.

"I don't know, I was going to see what you wanted to do. We could see if one of the study rooms in the library is open."

"I'll bet you a side of fries at the diner the next block over, that they're all full."

You raise a brow before realizing that the gesture is lost on him. "Oh yeah?"

He nods, a cheeky grin coming to rest on his face.

"Alright, I can spare $4.50." You tell him, standing and making your way over to the library.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." You eye him.

"Are you rich?"


"You're going to an ivy league school and you can spare $4.50?"

You roll your eyes. "What can I say? I'm going to be paying off student loans for the rest of my life."

"Ah. That makes more sense. I was going to say- I wouldn't be advertising things like that."

You make your way up the steps, and as you scan each of the study rooms, they're filled with various groups working on one thing or another.

"Well?" Matt speaks up next to you.


He rests both hands on his cane and leans toward you. "What's the verdict?"

"Yeah, they're all full."

He shrugs. "Okay." He lowers his voice. "Between you and me, I always feel like a fish in an aquarium in those rooms. Something about the way voices bounce off the glass in such a confined space."

"Well you could've said that instead of having me climb 10 flights of stairs."

He chuckles. "Exactly how many stories up do you think we are right now?"

"I don't know. I lost track on the 10 flights of stairs."

He laughs. "Are you sure you know what the word flight, in reference to stairs means?"

"I may be fuzzy on the concept of what exactly a 'flight' constitutes. The point, however, is that you forced me to physically exert myself unnecessarily."

The smile still hasn't left his face. "Even though you agreed to the terms fair and square, I'll be a gentleman and get the fries."

"Well don't humor me."

"I can't win with you, can I?"

"Probably not."

He nods. "Alright, fair enough. Do I at least get some points for being the one to suggest that we work together, back in class?"


"Well, it's a start." He hesitates, but after a moment, he gingerly reaches over to rest his hand in the crook of your arm. "Is this okay?"

"Yeah, of course."

A small smile rests on his face. "Lead the way."

"Okay, we're taking the elevator this time."

Matt Murdock ShortsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora