CH 47 - "Are You Ready?"

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Harry writhed on the floor, pain coursing through his body like hot blades swimming through his veins, even though the air around him was cold. He tried to will away the pain but he couldn't even think a clear thought. His wand had been knocked from his hands but he held tight to his pocket watch. A second curse was flung at him and his body doubled in on itself and then extended outwards. He pictured Neville's parents for a brief second before his vision swam with spots. He heard a loud crack and he tried to pull himself away from it but he couldn't persuade his body to move.

"Harry!" Draco's voice sounded close by and he turned his head to the side just a fraction. Sure enough, Draco was there, standing over him, his arm raised, wand pointing at the others. He was reaching with his other arm towards Harry and he tried to get up and reach to him but another curse was shot at them and Draco was blasted back and Harry thought he saw something shiny fly from his hand.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" The man in the center of the circle came forward and stood right in front of Harry. "Draco Malfoy, what a pleasant surprise."

"I swear," Draco said, clambering to his feet, "if you so much as touch one more hair on his head-"

"Swear what, Draco? You can't touch us and you won't be able to save him or yourself. You are outnumbered and out of time. Crucio!" And before Draco could reach his feet, the spell hit Harry and he screamed with all the breath in his lungs before his body contracted in on itself once more. The man in the mask held tight and his mouth opened once more. "Avada Ke-"

"Expelliarmus!" Draco shouted, sounding miles away. The pain ebbed momentarily, and Harry watched as Draco blocked spells from all around and shot them back. There was a strength and an anger in his eyes that would have terrified him if he had been on the receiving end of his wand. His own wand was only inches from his hand and he slowly propelled himself forward and his fingers closed around the holly and he gripped it as tight as he could. He looked back and could see Draco still fighting them off, but they were advancing. Dracos chin was bleeding heavily and his forehead sported a nasty bruise. Harry felt the anger spreading through him faster than the pain had.

"Protego!" he shouted and several spells rebounded, giving him enough time to get to his knees.

"Oh no you don't!" shouted one of the masked persons and they flicked their wand and two Dementors shot forward. Harry was getting ready to shout the charm for his patronus, but Draco's sleek panther strode forward and shoved back not only the Dementors, but the masked attackers as well.

Harry tried to stand but Draco came forward and grabbed him under the arms and drug him from the room. He quickly found his feet and he stumbled alongside Draco, holding onto his waist for more than just physical support. They made their way to a long dining hall and Draco slammed the doors behind them. Harry leaned on the table to catch his breath, watching as Draco started opening all the other doors in the room.

"Just a bit farther, Harry, and then you can rest," he grunted as he put his arm around Harry's waist again and half-carried him to the opposite side of the room. He stopped in front of a blank wall and whispered an incantation and a small panel slid to the side. Draco pushed him down and shoved him into the hole, following closely behind and once they were both in it, the panel slid shut and they were bathed in inky black darkness.

"Draco," Harry whispered, but his voice was raspy.

"Shh," Draco replied and he reached his hands out to Harry. Harry grabbed them and pulled him next to him, and they sat side-by-side, listening as the Death Eaters crashed into the dining room. The sounds of chairs being overturned and smashed against the walls filled their ears.

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