CH 13 - The Panic in His Voice Made Him Uneasy

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Harry woke the next morning in a very good mood. He planned to go down to breakfast and then visit with Draco in the hospital before he went off to class. He whistled as he pulled on his clothes and he had to physically restrain himself from smiling like an idiot.

"You're in an extremely good mood this morning," Ron stated as Harry kept whistling.

"Yeah?" He wondered if he should just tell Ron what he had been getting into with Draco. Neville was already out and on his way to breakfast so they had the room to themselves. He realized it would be best to just get it out there before he lost his nerve.

"Ron, can I be honest with you about something?" he asked carefully and Ron dropped his shoe and looked at him questioningly.

"You can always be honest with me, you know that." He settled back on his bed and looked at Harry expectantly.

"Well, so..." Harry began nervously and he ran his hands through his hair and he started pacing between the beds. He didnt know where to begin. He went back and sat on his bed, facing Ron.

"Does it have to do with Ginny?" he asked hesitantly.

"No, actually the complete opposite."

"Like you're interested in someone else? Mate, thats totally fine. Ginny is doing ok, and you've been doing loads better than you have in a while."

"Well, yes, it is someone else. But not at all who you would expect. Not at all who anyone would expect. And we aren't really anything right now, just kind of friends. I guess mainly just testing the waters."

"That's a good place to start. Goodness knows Hermione and I tested the waters long enough." Ron rolled his eyes and Harry chuckled. "But who is it? I haven't seen you with any girls around here. Is she in a different house? I know Hermione and I have been busy but I feel terrible that I haven't noticed." He rubbed his chin and looked at Harry, waiting for him to let him in on the secret.

"Look, Ron, I don't want to make you mad or uncomfortable." Harry stood up and started pacing again.

"Hey, if you're about to tell me you're in love with me, I'd be flattered but I dont quite think Hermione would like it." Harry chuckled silently and put his hands over his face and let out a sigh. This was going to be harder than he thought. Ron was his best friend and what if he wouldnt talk to him anymore once he realized he was gay. That was the first time he had thought the words and he looked up at Ron. He realized getting close to Draco had been easier that even getting close to Ginny had been, and it was right. Ron furrowed his eyebrows and his face paled.

"Are you... You aren't in love with me are you?" Ron asked quietly and the panic in his voice made Harry uneasy.

"No, Ron. I mean, you're my best friend, and I love you like a brother, but that's it." Ron exhaled and laughed, the color reappearing in his cheeks. He leaned back on his pillow and regained his composure, still chuckling at Harry.

"You had me worried for a minute, Harry."

"Would that be so bad though?" Harry had to broach the subject carefully.

"Well, honestly I don't think your green eyes would match my red hair," he laughed.

"Ron, I'm serious!" Harry shouted, and Ron straightened up again.

"About what, Harry? You just said it's not me and you wont tell me who she is!" A couple more seconds and realization dawned on his face. "Ah, not a she... Right." Ron slapped himself on the forehead and came and sat next to Harry. "Listen, we've been through everything together. Everything this world has had to throw at us, we've met it head on together. You're my best friend and I'm here for you. If you say you like another guy, then that's that. I want what's best for you and what makes you happy." Ron rubbed his chin again. "Of course, he can't be better looking than I am." Harry punched him on the arm and Ron laughed as he put on his shoe.

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