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A week passed and the two best friends never once spoke. They sat next to each other in a few classes but non uttered one word. Jaemin would see Jeno walking through the hallways with his arm around Jinhee's shoulder and immediately look away. They were both woebegone but didn't dare speak to each other. Whenever a teacher told the class to work on an assignment together, they both went to someone else. They both missed each other but were too stubborn to say anything.

Their friends noticed the change in behavior and were confused since they were doing so well before. They were determined to fix their friendship again but everything that they tried backfired. They were that stubborn. First it started with something simple; a text message. Chenle had gotten Jeno's phone and texted him a simple 'hey' but Jaemin left him on read.

Then Renjun put a note in Jeno's locker which supposedly was from Jaemin. It said to meet him at the roof but Jeno ripped up the letter and threw it in the trash. Next up was Haechan and Mark. Haechan was inviting Jeno to hang out with him and Mark while Mark was trying to get Jaemin to hang out with him and Haechan. As if the two knew their plan, they both declined.

Jisung was hanging out with Jeno and secretly asked Jaemin to join but he hanged up the phone and threw it elsewhere. They hadn't known the whole story as to why they stopped talking and were determine to find out. They were determined to make 'Nomin' a thing. They just had to figure out how.


"So obviously nothing has worked. Any other ideas?" Mark asked the four males but they all shook their heads. "If only these two idiots weren't so stubborn" Renjun said. "You're thinking about a perfect world and this is no perfect world" Jisung said. "Does anybody know what happened?" Haechan asked. "No but I have seen Jeno and Jinhee hanging out a lot lately". "They're also acting like a couple".

"Not acting. We are a couple" a familiar voice spoke. They all faced the door and saw Jeno. "You're an actual couple?!" Chenle shouted. "I had to date her or else she would tell my parents about Jaemin and we all know what would happen if they found out" "You would have to move and wouldn't be able to contact any of us"

"She's an evil bitch" "Obviously. Why do you think everybody hates her?" "Good point". "But why don't you talk with Jaemin?" Mark asked. "He hates me now" "The only person Jaemin has hated in his entire life is Jinhee. Are you Jinhee?" Haechan said. Jeno's eyes shot open and left the house. "I know what I have to do. We'll be together now Jaemin. I promise" Jeno thought as he ran towards Jinhee's house.

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