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"Jeno I have a fantastic idea!" Hyunjin piped up. "What is it?" Jeno asked. "I'm going to set you up on a blind date" he answered. "Oh so when you said fantastic you meant horrible" Jeno said receiving a punch on the arm. "Dude you're single, lonely, and desperate for love" Hyunjin said and this time he got punched.

"I don't think that's a good idea" "Why not? Do you like someone?" "Yeah but you don't need to know that" Jeno thought. "No I don't" "Awesome! I already told her you'd meet her but I wanted to run it by you first. So meet her at the café near xxxx building and dress nicely"


Jeno had no choice but to meet the girl seeing as Hyunjin had already told her he'd accept. He was rummaging through his drawers looking for a nice outfit and so far he had found nothing. "Where are you going?" Jaemin asked. "To the café" the other male answered. "Cool. Can I go?" the young male asked. "No. I'm going on a date" Jeno answered casually not knowing that he hurt the boy that was on his bed.

"Oh. Who's the girl?" "I don't know. Hyunjin set me up". "Okay. Good luck" Jaemin said. Jeno looked up and walked over to the bed. "Is my Nana sad?" Jeno pouted. "No" he lied. The raven haired boy kissed Jaemin sweetly on the lips for a few seconds. "Hyunjin had told her yes before I had agreed and I don't want to stand her up" Jeno explained and Jaemin nodded.

"Why do you keep kissing me?" Jaemin asked. "I like your soft lips" Jeno smiled. "But I thought you only kissed girls" Jaemin tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "That was one week ago. I've changed since then" "Weirdo" "I heard that" "Well I said it loud and you have ears". Jeno threw a pillow at his face and rolled his eyes, "Just help me choose an outfit" "Wear the black ripped jeans and the white sweatshirt. It looks good on you" "Everything looks good on me Jaemin" Jeno said cockily.


Jeno went to the café where Hyunjin wanted him to meet the girl. He went inside and his eyes wandered everywhere searching for his date. As if on cue, his phone beeped and it was a text message from Hyunjin.

She's the girl with a high ponytail, red off shoulder shirt, and navy blue jeans

"No. No. No. It can't be" Jeno thought. He walked closer to the girl and sat down in front of her. "Ah Jeno you're here" she said. "What the fuck Jinhee? U know I hate you right?" Jeno said. "Wow. That's harsh" "I don't care. I'm leaving". The male stood up and walked out the door and Jinhee followed behind.

"Date's not over Jeno" "It is over" "It's not until I say it is. So stop being an asshole and take me on our date". She clinged onto his arm and began walking. "I'm killing Hyunjin after this" Jeno thought.


After what felt like torture, Jeno went to Jaemin's house. He didn't know how he would tell Jaemin that Jinhee was the girl he had to meet. "What am I thinking? I'm not going to tell him" Jeno said out loud. He knocked on the door and a few seconds later the younger male opened it. He let the older male inside and closed the door behind him.

"So how was the date?" Jaemin asked and Jeno groaned softly. "It was bad" "Well did you at least like her?" "No I didn't". "What was wrong with her?" Jaemin asked. "She wasn't you" he whispered. "What was that?" "She wasn't my type" he said.

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