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"Jaemin?" the person spoke. The said boy immediately recognized the voice. "Sanha?" "Why are you crying? And what are you doing around here at this time?" "I just wanted to go for a walk and ended up getting lost" Jaemin responded, ignoring the first question and lying to the other boy. "Do you want me to walk you home? I know my way around this neighborhood" "Actually can we just walk? Don't take me home. Not just yet at least" "Okay. Lets walk then" Sanha said while smiling which made Jaemin smile as well.


"What do you mean you don't know where he is?!" Mark yelled over the phone. "He just stormed out and-" Jeno began explaining before Mark cut him off. "You didn't follow him?" "I didn't think he'd get lost" "Jeno you're so stupid. Just wait for a few minutes and if he doesn't come back go look for him" "Okay". Mark hanged up first so Jeno shut his phone and sighed. "But you know what I regret the most? Falling for you Jeno". These words played in Jeno's mind like a broken record ever since Jaemin had left the house.

"I'm sorry Jaemin". The door then unlocked which startled Jeno making him jump out of his seat. Behind the door was Jaemin and Sanha. "I found him in a bad neighborhood and I wanted to bring him back home as quickly as possible" Sanha explained. Jeno was relieved to see Jaemin was alright and hugged him tightly. "I'll just be going" Sanha said.

Jaemin pushed the older boy off of him and walked up the stairs. "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight". "He's still mad". Jeno wanted to spike up a lively conversation but had no idea what to talk about. So he asked something that had been on his mind for a while instead, "Do you really regret liking me?" Jaemin turned around to face the male and made eye contact with him.

"No because it's not like you don't break my heart every single day, lead me on, give me false hope, and then to top it all off you say 'I like girls' or 'Mark set me up with someone. I want a hot girlfriend'. Of course I regret liking you!!! Ugh! Sometimes I wish I never even met you!! You cause me so much pain! Can't you just disappear from my life?! I hate you! But I hate myself more. For falling for a heartless jerk like you! The bet's off and that's final. Now you can date girls all you want and not be stuck dating a guy. I know you'd really hate it. You're straight after all"

Jaemin went up to his room and locked the door. He slid down on the floor while hugging his knees and cried. "I love you but I also hate you" Jaemin whispered. Jeno was shocked as to what the young male had shouted at him. "He hates me. He regrets meeting me. I cause him pain. Maybe I should disappear from his life. Maybe he'd finally be happy and not be stuck liking a heartless jerk like me" Jeno said as he walked down the street to his house with tears in his eyes that would fall any second. "Maybe I should disappear forever"

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