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The car was coming closer and closer to Jeno but he had no intention of moving. A little part of him was scared but maybe he was doing Jaemin a favor. He waited for death to come to him. He waited for the car to hit him. He waited to disappear forever but none of that happened. "Watch out!" someone yelled and pushed Jeno out of the way. The car swerved and luckily everyone inside it was fine. Jeno and the other person rolled and rolled until they reached the sidewalk. The person was on top of his chest and Jeno felt a stinging pain on his hands. He was cut everywhere and blood was dripping on the ground.

The person got off and helped Jeno up. "I don't know you so excuse my language but what the fuck is wrong with you?" the guy asked Jeno but he didn't respond. He walked away as if he didn't care that he almost committed suicide. "Hey! Don't walk away from me!" the guy yelled and ran in front of him. The guy noticed his red eyes and stained cheeks.

"You did it on purpose" the guy mumbled but loud enough for Jeno to hear. "Listen I don't know what goes on in your life and frankly it's none of my business but suicide is not the answer". Jeno didn't care about what he had to say. He moved past the guy and kept walking. Walking to who knows where. The guy ran ahead of him again and placed his hands on Jeno's shoulder. "You shouldn't have tried to kill yourself" the guy said. "U should have let me done it! U shouldn't have saved me! I was doing him a favor! I was disappearing from his life forever! U should have let me die!" Jeno cried on the guys' chest.

The male comforted Jeno and moved his hand up and down on his back. "Who's he?" "Jaemin". "Na Jaemin?" the male asked. Jeno got out of the embrace and faced the male. "Yeah. How did you know?" "We go way back. I'm Wong Yukhei but you can call me Lucas" "Jeno". "Okay so Jeno lets take you to Jaemin's house" "What? Why Jaemin's house?" "Because you're not stable right now. You shouldn't be alone tonight"


Lucas hoped Jaemin still lived in the same house. He knocked on the door and to his surprise Jaemin opened the door. "Lucas? What are you doing here?" the young male asked. He then spotted Jeno next to him and saw his bloody hands. "When did you come back from China?" "Two months ago" "Why didn't you visit?" "Nana what the fuck? You obviously saw he's hurt and you're making causal conversation?" Jaemin rolled his eyes and stepped aside to let them in.

The two males sat on the couch while Jaemin grabbed a paper towel, a bandage, and a bowl with warm water. He kneeled down on the floor and washed the blood away. Jeno winced which made Jaemin roll his eyes again. "Shut the fuck up". Lucas watched Jaemin intently. He noticed that Jaemin was pissed but he wasn't sure why exactly.

Once Jaemin was done washing the blood away, he bandaged Jeno's hand. "There. Good as knew" Jaemin said as he tightened the bandage. "Oww!" "Stop being a little bitch". Lucas finally decided to say something, "Why are you so mean to him?" "Because I have to take care of his stupid ass!". Jeno was hurt and tears started to build up in his eyes. He stood up and walked to the door. "This is why you shouldn't have saved me" and then Jeno left.

"Saved him? From what?" "He tried to kill himself". When Lucas said that, Jaemin instantly ran out the door and looked both ways. He looked right and saw him walking away. His sad figure broke Jaemin's heart. He ran in front of him and hugged him. "I'm sorry Nono. I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said. I'm just hurt. Please don't try to kill yourself again. I don't know what I would do without you"

"I was going to disappear from your life just like you wanted" Jeno cried on his shoulder. "I don't want you gone. I don't. I love you. I don't hate you" "I love you too Jaemin". The said boy let go of Jeno and wiped his tears away. "Don't try something that stupid ever again. Please" "I won't".

Jaemin's gaze fell on Jeno's lips for about ten seconds but looked away. "I'm sorry for being mean to you" "I forgive you Nana. Now just kiss me". Jaemin started blushing and leaned in. Jeno's face tilted to the side and then their lips connected. "I can't believe I tried to kill myself when I have this amazing person in my life. I love you Na Jaemin and I'm sorry I caused you so much pain"

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