Chapter Seven

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Running out of the cafeteria, I headed straight for The Forty-Four. The energies I felt fighting were gone, along with the third one I had felt somewhere here on C level.

Reaching the top, I flew down the stairs. At the bottom, I went for the closest set of doors that led to the gym. Throwing them open, I could see the gym, destroyed. The walls had holes in them, and the floor was torn up in multiple places. The bleachers were probably the least affected, and they still looked about forty years older than what they actually were.

I quickly spotted two bodies. One was Mr. Henry, and he was the closest. Going over to him, I quickly found that he was the better of the two. Jogging over to the other one, I knelt down, gently turning it over.

I recognized him as Mr. Clarkington. He had a lot of cuts and bruises all over his body, and he looked drained. Not spent, like he had just used up a lot of energy, but drained, like someone had forcibly taken it from him. He was alive, but barely. I had to get him to the hospital quickly.

As I was about to pick up the limp man up, the gym doors swung open and teachers swarmed in. 

"Somebody call 911!" I head one of them yell. I backed off Mr. Clarkington as they surrounded him, checking for a pulse. 

"What happened here?" An elderly lady with glasses asked.

"I have no idea. I felt both of their energies drop, so I came running down to see what happened." Okay, so it wasn't the whole truth, but it was all they needed to know.

Nodding, she led me out of the gym. "Wait here for the paramedics," she ordered. I nodded as she went back in, leaving me alone.

A few minutes later, the paramedics arrived, and, as instructed, I showed them to the gym. After they went in, I walked back upstairs to the cafeteria, where they were holding the students.

"What the hell was that all about?" Nate asked me as I sat back down across from him.

"Mr. Clarkington, the Athletic Director, and Mr. Henry, the Principal, are in the gym. It looks like they were involved in a fight or something." 

Nate's eyes grew wide. "What?! Really?!"

I nodded. "Yeah. But it wasn't with each other."

"Then who was it with?"

"I'm thinking one of the new students Mr. Henry was testing. But I know it's connected to the destroyed English room down the hall."

"Man," Nate said, leaning back on his chair. "That's fucked up. Why would someone want to beat up an Athletic Director and a Principal? And then tear up an English room?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's cause they have a grudge against English, sports and principals?" Alex Waterson said. He was captain of the school's Karate team, much like I'm the captain of the school's Flight team.

I rolled my eyes. "Come on Alex. This is serious." Alex was also known as "the bad boy" or "the rebel". He definitely fits the titles.

"Well maybe I was being serious, Briefs," he retorts. Nate face-palms and Alex glares at him. "You got a problem with my reasoning, Mathews?" He challenges.

Nate holds his hands up.  "Yes, I do." I reply, daring him to proceed. He may a rebel, but even he knew when to stop around me.

"Whatever," he grumbled, getting up and walking to a different table. Nate exhales loudly.

"Thanks man," He tells me.

"No problem," I say. "Now, lets-"

"Attention students," A voice says over the intercom. The entire room goes silent, listening to see what it was that was keeping them here.

My One True Love, Trunks BriefsWhere stories live. Discover now