Chapter Twenty-One

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When we got outside, everything was in total chaos. Buildings were reduced to rubble and people were screaming. Explosions sounded around us. I looked wildly around for Dad. It wasn't hard to find him.

He was staring up at the sky, a hand outstretched. But it wasn't his hand. It was an apes.

"How...?" I asked, trailing off. Kabito Kai did a fist pump next to me.

"It worked!" he exclaimed.

"What worked?" I demanded. "I would like to know why my father is in his Oozaru form! He doesn't even have a tail!"

"Actually, he does," Kabito informed. "When Trunks and Nate were captured, he, along with Piccolo, Pan and Uub, came to the Kai planet. Goku trained and grew his tail back."

"But I still don't understand why he was able to transform! This planet has no moon! We made sure of that!" I cry, grimacing when I said we, not they.

"His trigger isn't the moon. At least, not while he's here," Kabito said. "For your father, it's the Earth."

My eyes widen, and, for the first time, I glance up into the sky to see that Dad was reaching for. Sure enough, it was our home.

"That's incredible..." I whispered in awe.

"Rosamoona, I need you to trust me," Kabito said suddenly. My eyebrows knit together as I turn to him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

Kabito Kai pulled a vial out of his pocket. It had a nasty looking, opaque liquid in it. I wrinkled my nose.

"I need you to drink this."

"What?! Why?!"

"Just trust me!"

I looked at the Kai for a minute or so. I could remember when he was two different people; Eastern Supreme Kai and his servant, Kabito. Hence the name.

I have always trusted him. Never have I had a reason not too. That's why I sucked up my pride and drank the liquid.

It tasted nothing like I thought it would. A sweet, tangy feel was left was it washed down my throat. I looked down at the vial, then up at Kabito.

"So would you mind telling me what I just drank?" I asked.

"Later. Now, you have to go help your father. I have my own job to do," Kabito said, turning and flying away. Great.

Sighing, I looked back over at Dad. I could see a person floating next to him, but I couldn't make out who it was. Hopefully it wasn't Baby. Something didn't seem right with Dad.

As I flew over to him, I was relieved to see it was Gaea. Kabito said she went to the Kai planet, so she wasn't infected. I raised my power level so she knew I was coming. 

Gaea whipped around. When she saw me, she rejoiced.

"Aunt Moona!" she yelled, flying to meet me. I laughed and hugged her tightly. "You're back!"

"Yes, I am, kiddo. And I'm sorry I ever left," I told her, gently stroking her hair. After thirty seconds, she pulled away.

"You have to help! Grandpa won't listen to me!" she cried, tears forming in her eyes.

"Hey, don't worry. We'll figure this out. Where are they others? Kabito told me that Piccolo and Uub were with you and Dad."

"Piccolo got hurt trying to help Grandpa, so Uub took him somewhere safe so he doesn't die," Gaea explained. I nodded and turned my attention to Dad.

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