Special Chapter

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Everything happened these past years... I met up with my fate... Learned how to become strong... To become a good ruler... To become a good mother...

Journey:"Lady Quirie..." She entered. "Our new servant... Lara Hinge."

Lara:"This low one greets her royal highness." She bowed.

"And this royal highness is enlightened to meet such graceful manners, Miss Lara." I returned.

Lara:"Oh please, your highness does not need to intend in reffering to me as Miss... I am just a low servant of some sort." She raised her head and looked at me with embarrassment.

"Mm. You are very welcome here in the castle, Lara. Welcome to the palace. We do hope you enjoy here." I dodged the request.

Lara:"This low one give of thanks to her royal highness." She bowed. "Have a fine day, sire." And with that, she left.

"Quite a nice child, isn't she Journey?" I chuckled. And so did Journey.

Journey:"Surely, sire." She agreed.


"Austin, come on honey! You can do it!" I watched in joy as my one year old took his first steps towards me and Ally.

Ally:"Your almost there." He cheered.

"Yay!" I caught the little one in my arms. "My little Austin is so big now!" I cooed.

Quin:"Mother... If I may..." She pointed at my hand which I then held out to her. "I made this just for you mother." She smiled after tying a flowerband around my wrist.

"Aw... Sweety it's beautiful!" I hugged her in delight.

Quin:"That's because of the woman who is wearing it, you mother." She joked.

Ally:"Ah, my cheeky little girl. Come over here and give me a hug!" Quin ran towards her father and tossed herself into his embrace as well as me and Austin.

"I love you three so much." I smiled.

Austin:"Wuv?" I looked down at the one year old. "Wuv!"

Quin:"Austin said his first word! Yay!" She cheered in excitement.


"So many things had happened to us... I wish nothing more than to have a better life seeing everything in peace..." I softly said in my husbands ears as we watch the sunset on the balcony.

"And I wish nothing more than to have you by my side... Forever..." Ally smiled as he pulled my close in a hug and gazed upon the darkening sky.

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