Chapter 23

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"Louis attacks"

After a while I got invited to meet by Shin, it has been a while since he did. I'm sure its important. Or if it wasn't I would just let be since I would not have been here leading today without his advisories. I met up with him under a Sakura tree near a lake.

"Hmm... What's taking him so long?" I wondered waiting for almost half an hour.

Louis:"Looking for someone?" Her voice crept upon my eardrums.

"Louis." I mumbled.

Louis:"That's right my dear, dear nephew. You are so pretty. I knew you would look like your mother more than your father. Look at you..." She came out from the forest dressed in a black ripped dress with a black butterfly attached to her hair.

"What do you want?" I glared.

Louis:"Oh, I don't want to bother you and your little date. I just wanted you to know I'm coming... And when I say coming... I will be with your kingdom's most loved corpses. I assume you wouldn't let your people down... And in for that reason I will use their and your loved one as an army. Remember, what ever I want... I get..." She laughed and left leaving a trail of black mist.

"Louis! Come back here this instant! Louis! You coward!" I yelled. "Ugh. What ever she wants... She will get... What does that even mean? Louis!"

Shin:"Louis?" I punched behind me in shock.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I did not mean to do that!" I panicked.

Shin:"Heh. It's been a while since I tasted blood." He laughed.

"It's bleeding!" I jumped.

Shin:"It is." He corrected.

"I have this." I wiped some cloth on his injured lip. "Does it hurt?"

Shin:"No. Just a little." He replied.

"Okay..." I removed the cloth and blown the wound when he pulled me in and press his lips against mine making blood spill across to my lip, I pulled away and punched his stomach.

Shin:"Ow! What was that for?" He asked.

"For being rude!" I wiped away the blood from my lip as he laughs. "Not funny!"

Shin:"Ah... Your adorable." He stopped making me blush bright red.

"Sh-shut up!" I stuttered.

Shin:"Heh. I will." I looked away.

"Don't do that." I warned.

Shin:"But you let it go before." He reminded.

"That was before! Now is different. I am not letting you do that to me again." My tone turned high.

--After a few minutes of Shin laughing about pain--

"Why did you ask me to go here?" I asked finally in my normal tone.

Shin:"I just wanted to know if you were free for tomorrow. My mother is in town and wanted to ask you to come for a picnic tomorrow." He asked.

"I would be... But..." I hesitated.

Shin:"But?" He asked.

"N-nothing." I shook my head.

Shin:"Will you come?" He asked.

"I will free my schedule." I smiled. "Oh, and Shin?"

Shin:"Yes?" He asked.

"May I invite some people?" I asked.

Shin:"Do as you will." He nodded.

--Time skip--

"Diane? Diane! It's me! Quinn! Open up bud!" I knocked on her door.

Diane:"Quinn! I wasn't expecting you to be here! Uh... Come in!" She smiled.

"I see that the gang hadn't fixed the dorm yet." I looked around her small room with a rickety bed.

Diane:"Actually... I was fixing the dorm. I was just too lazy so it took a while." She laughed.

"Heh. Same old witch." I joked.

Diane:"Yep. I know... It is a little embarrassing..." She stood up. "I got you this."

"Hmm? A book?" I looked at the light blue book.

Diane:"It's for your new journal. I noticed your old one was about ten centuries old, so I made a new and thicker one for you to write on." She smiled.

"Mm. Thank you. Oh, I just remembered. May I ask if you wanted to come with me for a picnic? I asked Yuna and Mackenzie but they weren't free." I shrugged.

Diane:"Of course! I would love to!" She smiled.

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow, about ten in the morning!" I reminded and waved goodbye. "That's settled."

Louis:"What's settled?" She came out of nowhere.

"Non of your concern, Louis." I glared.

Louis:"It is my concern. What if your in trouble? Oh wait... I will be your trouble!" She laughed.

"Enough of this Louis. I want you to know that you are not going to survive if you keep showing up here. I swear if I get a hold of you I will." I warned.

Louis:"Will what?" She challenged.

"I will destroy you." I glared.

Louis:"If you can." She laughed and disappeared into a black mist.

"Ugh. I hate it when she does that!" I coughed. "Non of that may stop me now. Keep it together, Quirie."

Prix:"That Pixie wasn't nice." She crossed her arms.

"Were you in my purse the whole time?" I asked.

Prix:"Yep. And that was the Louis you were talking about? Damn, she is going to die if I become human! I'll rip her apart!" She clenched his knuckles.

"Mm hmm. She is my aunt." Her eyes widened.

Prix:"What!? No!" I nodded. "Then that means... But! But how!?"

"She is my father's sister. I know all of these does not seem clear but it will... Soon..." I smiled.

Prix:"Well... It's almost time for the meeting, Quirie. Look! It's Four o'clock!" She looked on her watch.

"Huh! Your right! We should go! Come on!" I took her in my purse and ran on roofs to reach the castle.

Shattered Kingdom Book 1 (Finished)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن