Chapter 4

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"Her Cousin"

"Zander Sin!? Son of Zendaya Sin!? And Satan Sin!?" I jumped.

Daemon:"Yes. How do you know him well?" He asked curiously.

"In a matter of fact, I am related to the Sin family! Quirinalyn Sin-Delouris! And that means I am related to Zander!" I explained.

Cole:"I don't know about that... He doesn't seem to know you... Maybe you just had the same name or.... You know?" He looked over from where Zander is.

"No. We are related! He had... Well... Ow!" I felt a hard burn on my hand. "Acidic blood..."

Ally:"Are you okay? I can help you with that." He rushed with a small bag on his back.

"Yeah... Sure. I wouldn't seem to hate that..." I tried to smile. "It's just that... We have red acidic blood."

Daemon:"Then... How come you don't  know each other?" He asked as Ally wraps bandage on my arm.

"Thank you, Ally. And well... I really don't have an answer to that, Daemon." I shrugged as Ally finishes fixing me up. "Sarah can answer that."

Sarah:"Huh? Neither have I heard of Zander being my brother!" She shook he head and waved her hands in defence.

Cole:"You've been there all along?" He asked, Sarah nodded.

Sarah:"Ask more, and I'll be more of a spirit guide. You know how demons roam? Right?" She joked.

Cole:"Oh." Was all that left his mouth.

Sarah:"Apparently I didn't know who he was... I never knew I would have a younger brother." She shrugged.

"Or older brother..." I looked over to the sleeping Zander.

Daemon:"Who IS your mother then?" He asked curiously.

Sarah:"My mother? Well... Her name is Zendaya Delouris-Sin. While my father is... Zion Sin." She looked around four corners.

"Huh? How did your... Wait... Oh! I get it!" I smiled. "I've seen Zendaya before..."

Zendaya:"Seen who?" Her voice came out of no-where.

"A white haired demon... Woman... Uh... You Aunt Zendaya." I jumped.

Zendaya:"Oh. I was just-- Is that Zander!?" She jumped. "Zander? My... My son!"

Daemon:"That explains everything... Thus this means Zendaya was cursed." He said out loud.

Zendaya:"Yes. Most likely cursed by the devil himself. I never knew that my relationship with Zion affected him so much that he killed his own brother for it. I would just want Zion back now. But it's too late for that so I would rather wish to see Zander again after all those years." She pressed her hand on the window.

"Well... Go ahead! I'm sure he's fine now." I smiled until the healer from the hut exited to meet up with me.

Healer:"Um... Your highness? Mister Zander has now gained his consciousness." She stuttered.

"Speak of the devil!" I jumped in now as Zendaya did.

Zendaya:"Zander!" She called as we enter the room.

Zander:"Huh? How do you know me!?" He jumped crawling away slightly seeing the white haired demon.

Daemon:"Zander, dude. This is your mom." He pat the back of the tall pale female demon.

Zander:"Wait... So your my dad!?" I sweat dropped.

"Wow... So I have an idiot for a cousin... Great!" I emphasized the 'r' from 'great'. "He meant that this black-horned-pale-white-haired-tall-woman-demon is your fucking mother!"

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