Chapter 41

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Hey! Before you read this part I want to tell you that this was all written back in 2018 and published in 2019. Which means I finished writing the book before I published them. Every season of the time I write a chapter, I relate them. This might be a little early if you read this at this time. It took me a whole year to finish this so enjoy! ^(•-•)^



Quin knocked on the door with trembling hands, hoping not to be dug from hatred when we enter this campus. Her expression filled the blank streets where the doorways was near. She knocked.



Three times.

Quin's eyes closed shut with her face buried in my dress as the door opens slowly. The door revealed nothing but a filled room. Looks like whoever opened the door was in a hurry to do some brewing, smells like potions.

"Quin, let's enter now sweety." I brushed her soft curly top of hair and picked her up. "Hey, guys. Its been a month, has it?"

Yuna:"Hi Quirie-senpai! Hi Quin-sama! Why are you so sad?" She asked seeming to notice Quin's actions. "Brighten up!"

Grey:"Quin? Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"Quin? Quin... Sweety..." I called tapping her on the shoulder. "Come on honey, tell them about how you learned how to control your flight."

Wendy:"Come one, buddy! Tell us." She said sitting her son on her lap while she was sitting beside Greg.

Quin:"Mama thought me..." She slowly lifted her head from my hair. "She thought me how to control flight..."

I placed Quin down on the floor where Grey's old little play mat is set place on. She just sat there and told Wendy Greg and Grey her little stories like what she always does when we visit here. Grey would usually play around her, sometimes Quin would run to me and tell on Grey.

Quin:"Mama! Grey is calling me Dora!" She once yelled back then.

In the sight of her story telling, I smiled. Seeing that my little girl will be a good ruler one day, I hope. This will not be a bad thing anyway.

--Time skip--

I woke up alone yet again, this was not normal to me because I always see Ally waiting for me to wake up with Quin. Sitting up, I looked around and saw an empty room. Quin shouldn't be up by now...

I quickly slipped on my kimono and ran outside in a worried pace, the castle was empty. No one was there, no Journey, no guards, no servants nor my family was there. I was alone.

In a panic I started to run out to the garden and search for them, still no sign of them. Why? Where are they? I'm so worried...

With a flash I fell to my knees and started crying... Please tell me this is a dream...

For some time, I wiped my tears away and stood up ready to face the truth. Though before that, I saw an odd item. Quin's necklace. It was laying on the floor cold. It must've been there for a whole night. They left the night before...

With that sign I ran for my daughter towards the woods where I saw her standing alone, crying out to me and her father.

Quin:"Mama!" She called crying in her stance. "Mama! Where are you!?"

"Quin!" I called back and ran towards her only to be blocked by a force. "Quin! Quin!"

I banged on the force that blocked me, there was nothing there but thin air. As if there was an invisible wall in my way.

Quin:"Mama! Help me! Please! Mama! Papa!" She called not seeming to see me.

"Aubrey! I'm here! Quin! QUIN!" I cried banging on the invisible force and everything went black.

I hear my heart pounding and was turning louder and louder.

"Quin!" I sat up with force seeing that it was still night time.

Ally:"Anything wrong?" He asked sitting up and caressing my cheeks in worry. "Don't worry, its just a dream."

Ally said nothing else and hugged me tight. Behind him I saw Quin's crib, she was sleeping in it. Her lashes shining purple in the moonlight.

Ally:"It's alright, go back to sleep." He rubbed my back.

"Is Quin okay?" I asked worriedly.

Quin:"Mama?" Her sleepy voice called as I push away from Ally who followed me in a hurry. "Mama, did you have a bad dream? I had a bad dream... I was trapped in the forest... I couldn't find you or anyone... Mama... I'm scared... I thought it was true..."

Ally and I exchanged looks, Ally seemed to be in the same situation, he must've dreamt of the same thing as well. What a strange connection.

"Honey... Its just a dream... Right Ally?" I faced Ally who smiled and nodded slowly.

Ally:"And you should go to sleep as well." He smiled kissing Quin's forehead as well as mine. "Good night."

"Good night, honey." I smiled at the five year old who slowly fell asleep. "And to you too, Ally."

Ally:"I would be free tomorrow, I will not have any work. We should have a picnic." He suggested.

"That would be lovely." I smiled feeling my eyes turn heavy. "And maybe we should buy Quin some new clothes as well."

Ally:"She has so many now." He chuckled quietly, brushing fingers through my hair.

"Because I love playing dress up as well as she is." I joked. "So we have to buy her new ones."

Ally:"Really? Then she was just like you back then." He chuckled.

"Because I'm making her like that." I giggled.

Ally:"Not really..."

"Then who made her like that?" I teased.

Ally:"You only spoiled her, I was the one who wanted her to change into many things." He smiled.

"No... We did it." I laughed poking his stub.

Ally:"Same difference." He chuckled.

"So?..." I waited for his response.

Ally:"Okay, we will." He chuckled yet again.

"It is October as well..." I suddenly realised. 'Is TT the reason why we had that dream?"

Ally:"It is Halloween, so yes? Maybe we all had a nightmare this evening because of that chill." He smiled.

"And that chill almost killed me..." I said out of the blue.

Ally:"Really?" He asked.

"Yes... It did... I was scared to death..." I frowned

Ally:"It is a sign then. A sign that..." His voice trailed off.


He went quiet.

"Ally?..." I mumbled almost squeaking.

He stayed quiet.

"Ally your scaring me..."

He just sat up quietly staring at the balcony.

"That is not a funny joke, Ally."

His mouth was still not moving.

"What sign?" I asked again.

Ally:"That..." I sat up in surprise of him.


Ally:"That I love you." He tackled me down in a hug playfully tickling me.

"Hey! Stop! What if Quin wakes up?" I whisper-yelled.

Ally:"Maybe we should do that tomorrow then." He stopped and sat back up only to lay back down on his side. "Good night, Quirie."

"Good night, Ally." I smiled and fell asleep in his arms.

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