Chapter 47

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"Merelda Blue"

Quin:"With Journey and Quin on a mission to find Diane Blue, a sense of relief and joy employs inside their minds. So much excitement in their heads filling the room up with sparks!" She played off.

Journey:"Very good narrating, Lady Quin." She smiled as they walk towards the campus building.

Quin:"Aunt Diane isn't going to like the news of her mother, that she will have to meet further on our mission..." She confessed shaking her head in the expected disappointment. "How will she react!?"

Journey:"Lady Quin... For a young five year old like you, I was expecting always positive feeling of hope in you. I didn't know that five year olds also have a trait for being responsible in such a big thing." Her smile reached from ear to ear with joy overcoming her face in a sign of being content. "I am glad that I have duty to take care of you, sire."

Quin:"I'll knock!" She ran towards the door which was now five feet away from them. "Aunties? Aunties! Uncles!"

Liane:"Well hi there, Quin." She breeder the youngster with a welcoming smile.

Quin:"Where is aunt Diane? Is she here?" She asked peeping through every hole to the campus from Liane's legs.

Liane:"Yes, dear... She is." She giggled picking the five year old up. "She is quite upset... And down at the time..."

Quin:"But we found Mama! We need her so that we can bring back Mama's memories and she won't hate the castle anymore!" She pushed through her words.

Diane:"You found her!?" She rushed towards the door after hearing this, her heart racing in excitement. "Where is she!?"

Quin:"In Merelda-san's big... Thing..." She pointed out.

Diane:"Merelda? M-Merelda!? Merelda Blue!?" She asked shockingly.

Quin:"Yeah! Merelda Blue!" She cheered.

Diane:"I can't believe she's alive! I can't believe it!" She smiled with her eyes dripping dried out tears from the three months she'd been crying her eyes out from the loss of Quirie. "Bring me to her!"

Journey:"But! Do you have the potion of cleansing Miss Diane?" She asked holding up her hand as if she was a student asking a question to a teacher.

Diane:"Of course I do! In my belt bag." She pointed down at her waist and nodded her head. "Now let's go!"

With her words said, Diane travelled out to the forest to meet her mother who she lost for many years til now. Finally also making Quirie remember her friends and family and especially... Herself.

Merelda:"Oh, I am glad your here! Quirie is awake and--" She was speechless in a sight she had never seen after so long. "Diane!"

Diane:"Mother!" Both embraced and stared at each other in the moment and laughed and cried at each other. "I can't believe your alive!"

Merelda:"Me too, Diane... Me too..." She hugged her once again and finally let go. "Anyway... Quirie is awake, she is a little baffled. She must've sensed you here."

Diane:"Only one way to find out." She entered the room and saw Quirie staring out to nowhere. "Uh... Quirie?"

Quirie:"W-who are you?" She stuttered.

Diane:"Ahem. I am Diane Blue, I came to visit my mother and she said that you needed some assistance in your sickness. You have memory loss, correct?" She played out.

Quirie:"Y-yes... I actually do... I... I don't remember anything..." She shuddered.

Diane:"Poor thing... Here. Drink thus and your memory will come back as soon as possible." She smiled handing out a bottle of memory cleanser potion and watched Quirie drink it.

Shattered Kingdom Book 1 (Finished)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن