Chapter 40

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"Grandmother!" All heads turn to her.

The woman stood still until mother pushed through the crowd.

Renevia:"Mother?" She asked.

The woman turned around, to be shocked at her sight. She didn't age a bit, she still looked like she was as old as me. Though she is already older than seventy years of age. Her skin was still soft and smooth while her face was less than wrinkles, she was spotless from signs of aging. That was her, Leona Rey Greener. My grandmother.

Quin stood up from the floor and took my finger. I looked down at her with a teary smile. She returned a worried frown. After moments she sneezed, hearing her adorable sneeze I picked her up. She was holding onto the purple and blue dress.

Leona:"Renevia..." Her voice sounded so soft yet so cold at the same time with her eyes complimenting her teary smile

Renevia:"Mother." She smiled hugging her as Quin and I ran towards them and joining the hug.

Soon after, we called the celebration off and talked to Leona.

Renevia:"It has been a while, has it mother?" She asked.

Leona:"Yes, Renevia. It has." She smiled.

"I see... That you hadn't age at all... I guess royals aren't much affected when aging. Not a single wrinkle shown on your face... Or skin..." I said as Quin wraps her arms around my arm hiding her face.

Leona:"Your daughter is quite adorable, sweety." She pulled out a napkin from her pocket.

Leona wore very strange clothes at this time, instead of a dress she wore pants, a backless tank top and to cover her face she wore a cape with a hood. Her legs were wrapped in belts that had pockets that were attached to the belt itself. Some of the belts had a pocket where there was a knife in, looks like she'd been in battles lately.

I simply did nothing and just took the napkin which Quin snitched from me and looked at it suspiciously though curiously.

"What's wrong Quin?" I asked the one year old who just stared back at me with a blunt expression.

Leona:"That was yours, am I correct?" She asked.

The napkin then rang a bell to me, it looked pretty old and it was very familiar. The napkin reminded me of my trip in the forest for training with Cole and Aliah before. It was mine.

"Yes... It is... I just left this out and forgot about it just seven years ago." I nodded in response to her. "I went back though we never found it."

Leona:"I took it, I tried to find you. You just kept leaving, you kept moving from place to place. Now I found you settled here in your uncle's castle that I knew you were crowned queen. I saw everything, Quirie. You are a wonderful leader." She smiled. "Full on security, lesser poor. And most of all, a peaceful community."

"Mm. I know... I can not believe of that as well. This was not going to be a permanent bucket list triumph though. There will be wars soon, and I am standing tall for that." My smile turned into a frown when I turned my view to Quin who looked back at me with her galaxy reflecting purple eyes. "I hope she'll be safe..."

Quin wore a worried face seeming to understand what I was saying and caressed my cheek with her small hand.

Quin:"Mama..." She smiled softly.

I caressed her cheek back and faced back at Leona.

Leona:"Mph. I should be going, I have many businesses to attend to." She stood from her chair and walked away, though there was something odd.

"Wait!" I called to her. "What happened to your powers?"

Her aura seemed to be a faded royal blood, there was no power left in her. Her strength was weakened and the strength of her power faded. As if it was sucked out of her.

Leona:"It was Louis." She said not turning to face me and continued to walk away until she was out of sight.

"Louis? She is dead... Right?" I looked at mother who shrugged at my question.

Renevia:"It has been a year my dear, she has to be." She placed her hand on my shoulder where Quin placed her hand on top of hers.

"I suppose..." I lessened my worries and carried on.

--Time skip--

Quin:"Mama! Wait! Wait! Don't leave me here! I can't do it! I'm scared!" The five year old cried.

"You can do it Quin! Do it!" I cheered for her as she slowly glided in the air. "Just feel the wind! Not too much now."

Quin:"Heh! Mama! I'm doing it! I'm doing it! Look at me mama! I'm flying!" She flipped in the air and bumped into Ally who was talking to a servant.

Ally:"Well hello there, Quin." He chuckled.

"You didn't shave." I rubbed his stub of a beard on his chin.

Ally:"That makes me more manly and handsome." He teased.

"Shut up." I pecked his lips.

Quin:"Mama! Papa! A little help here!" She interrupted.

Ally:"Come here!" He reached up and took Quin from the air and cuddled her tight as he ran away from me.

"Hey! No fair!" I laughed chasing after them.

Ally:"Quin express is unstoppable!" He playfully said falling onto the soft cushion of the bed where I followed stumbling next to the fallen man and child.

Quin:"Again! Again!" She cheered.

"No more sweety, I'm tired. I think I had enough today." I panted.

Ally:"And I have work." He pecked my lips. "Bye, honey."

"Bye." I waved watching him leave the room. "Okay, what should we do?"

Quin:"I thought you were tired?" She asked.

"No I'm not!" I attacked her with tickles and heard her laugh.

Quin:"Mama! S-stop t-that! N-no! M-mama!" She laughed as I stopped tickling her.

"Okay, but you have to do something for me." I teased. "Kiss mama on the cheek."

I pointed my left cheek and waited for her response, soon she leaned close and I heard a pop of her lips as her lips pecked my left cheek.

Quin:"I love you mama." She hugged me tight.

"I love you too sweety, now come on. Let's go to your uncles and aunties." I cheered lifting her up and spinning her in my arms in a fast speed.

And with a heel's turn, we stopped facing the door with Quin on my arms.

Quin:"To the campus! Agent Quinn Possible and Quinette Possible are on a mission!" She cheered playfully and we went through the door and ran out to the open to meet up with some escorts.

"I don't think we need escorts now, Mae. Although thank you." I gave her an apologetic smile.

Mae:"Mph. Yes, ma'am. You may pass." She lifted her hand above her brows in salute and gestured for us to pass through.

Quin:"Do you think they would be happy to see me? I didn't see them for a month... They probably hate me now..." She worriedly said.

"Quin... Of course not. They would love you. Look at you, after a moth you finally learned how to fly-- well... Control flight, that is." I smiled and merely flipped into confusion at end but turned back into positive. "Plus, they will probably love seeing you again."

Quin:"You think so?" She asked with a reassuring look.

"Of course my little Quinette. Of course." I smiled pinching her cheek.

Quin:"Mama, I'm too old for pinches..." She pushed.

"No your not." I teased instead cuddling her while we walked our path. "You will always be my little Quin..."

Quin:"Okay, mama..." She giggled.

Shattered Kingdom Book 1 (Finished)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя