Chapter 34

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"Brand New Day"

Morning came upon us as I turn my head to Ally who slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning Ally." I smiled.

Ally:"Good morning Quirie." He replied returning my smile.

I sat up and stretched, placing my feet on the ground and wearing the kimono next to the bed. Same as Ally I walked out the door after he wore his clothes.

"You did not find my clothes?" I asked.

Ally:"I had no clue. Maybe they have not yet given them to you." He guessed with a shrug.

"Mm. I guess that is understandable." I nodded in agreement as we reached the dining area to meet Renevia, her sisters and her brother. "Good morning mother."

Renevia:"Good morning sweety, where are your clothes?" She asked curious as she cuts a piece of her meat.

"I have no clue." Ally pulled a seat for me to sit and sat beside me.

Ally:"Neither do I." He shrugged and cut a piece of meat.

Tynuga:"I just noticed that both of you have blue hair, how adorable." She pressed her hands together. "Right Maku-san?"

Kuroto:"They always had." He chuckled.

"Hmm... How old is Aunt Tynuga anyways? She told me that I was older than her before." I asked.

Renevia:"She is only seventeen, she is younger than all of us here. The youngest of us six." She exclaimed.

Tynuga:"Then you are nineteen, yes?" She asked.

"Yes, although I was not expecting to have an aunt younger than me." I shrugged. "Then who is eldest?"

Ayumi:"Quinnalyn is." She pointed her fork towards a drinking Quinnalyn.

Quinnalyn:"Second eldest is Kuroto, then your mother, then Ayumi and Tynuga." She said placing her glass down.

"Another question... Do I have any other cousins aside from Zander?" I asked.

Kuroto:"Yes, from Quinnalyn and Ayumi. I never married and Tynuga has too many issues with her boyfriend." He nodded.

Quinnalyn:"I am very sure they will be here now, I called them to meet you." She wiped her mouth and took another piece.

As soon as I took a bite, two youngsters ran in the dining area.

Ayumi:"Gwen, Ren. Meet your cousin Quirie." She greeted the two who looked like they were seven.

"Aw! I always wanted twins." I smiled hugging the two.

Gwen:"Are we not supposed to call you aunt? You look like you are older than aunt Tynuga." She smiled showing her missing tooth.

"No... Ren?" I guessed.

Ren:"Actually, she is Gwen. I am Ren." She laughed.

"Okay... Gwen has a missing tooth, then Ren has full?" I looked at Gwen then Ren, or was it Ren then Gwen? "I am having trouble."

I stood up from My seat when I saw two men walk in the room followed by three teenagers.

Quinnalyn:"I also invited our husbands, if you do not mind." She noted.

"Wait..." I snapped knowing one of the men.

Ally:"Is that Odin?" He asked.

Odin:"Quirie-- Quinn possible!?" He jumped.

"Odin Romans!" I realised.

Quinnalyn:"Quinn possible?" She raised a brow.

"Uh... Yes..." I laughed nervously.

Shattered Kingdom Book 1 (Finished)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang