Chapter 6

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"Mistakes and mishaps"

"Why does everything had to be this confusing?" I said to myself.

Cole:"Hey... Buddy? Are you okay? You look troubled." He removed his sash and sat down beside me hanging his sash on the railing of the bridge.

"Yes, I was just thinking..." I lied.

Cole:"About the match making ceremony earlier? Or is it just me?" He joked.

"I am not going to accept a joke for an answer, Cole." I sighed.

Cole:"Okay... Then what's really the problem? You were lying earlier I can tell. That is why I joked." He shrugged.

"It's just the match making ceremony... It was too early... I mean, I have not yet seen all of you work for long... It's killing my joyful times being single. I want to be married of course, although I want to enjoy my life for as long as I could alone first... Then I'll marry." I looked at him with a puzzled look.

Cole:"Then maybe tell them? I were not to advise anything else. I'm a friend of yours, I know when your sad or not. I'm always right here when you need me. I promise that." He smiled.

"Really? But how am I supposed to tell this to mother?" I asked.

Cole:"Go upon her like you always do, then tell her. That's all." He replied.

"Well... Okay but... I'm just confused... I don't want her  think that I'm backing up from the marriage. I want to tell her, although at the same time I don't. I don't want to tell anyone... I feel imprisoned... Imprisoned on my own world... My own feelings... My own differences in my own world... How will I fight his if I can't even break out of my own cage? I can't do it..." I felt patting on my head.

Cole:"Then take your time." He smiled patting my head.

"Why do you keep patting my head?" I removed his head.

Cole:"Ah! Uh... Heh... It's just... That's how I get calm..." He sweat dropped.

"Oh. Well... I think it... It does..." I smiled a bit.

Cole:"See? Now your smiling!" He shuffled my hair.

"Hey! Heh! Don't do that!" I laughed.

Cole:"Admit it first!" He teased.

"Admit what?" I asked.

Cole:"That I'm a good comforter." He smiled.

"Of course. Cole Gregor, the only werewolf from the air kingdom. I will give you a worthy placement of being the best comforter for me, Quirinalyn Delouris. Let this honor be a blessing to your joyful incredible ands fictional days of your life." I played, he chuckled. "There. You happy?"

Cole:"That was ridiculous. You are one puzzled woman, Quirie." He laughed.

"Of course I am." I smiled.

--Time skip--

I entered my office with the first calmed face in the entire history of me entering this room. Hoping to see nothing else but letters and mails. What is settled for me now?

"Let's see... Royal ball, I'm done with those... Royal cache?... Royal dinner... Royal advisories... Ceremonies... Awarding... Royal baseball league? Wow, but no..." I searched through the table for useful letters until I dropped one to the ground. "Huh? What is this one?"

Ruth:"You called me?" She came out of nowhere.

"Uh... Ruth... Was it?" I asked.

Ruth:"Yep! Ruth!" She corrected.

Shattered Kingdom Book 1 (Finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora