Chapter 12

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"Off to the forest we go"

I felt pain at the back of my neck.

"Argh, shit." I sat up but stopped when I felt pain on my chest. "What the?"

Ally:"Quirie? Are you okay?" I sat up slowly with his help.

"Yes... I guess... How long was I asleep?" I asked.

Ally:"Not long." He smiled.

"Why are you smiling?" I asked smiling as well.

Ally:"Because now I know your safe." He smiled brighter.

"Really?" I asked.

Ally:"Yes." He stared into my eyes but soon looked away with his smile faded.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Ally:"Nothing... I was just... Stopping myself from doing something..." He blushed.

"Heh. Don't worry... I've been through many... Even after that stupid kissing phenomenon." I laughed. "Oh wait, I didn't mean to say that!"

Ally:"How did you know I was-- Oh. Did the others did it? Don't worry I won't tell." He leaned closer.

"Yes, actually. First was Daemon, then Shin..." I looked away and back at him.

Ally:"Then would you add me?" He asked.

"Why? For what? You haven't even kissed me yet." I smiled at his adorableness.

Ally:"Uh... Maybe when your better I will." He blushed.

"Of course you would." I laughed.

Mackenzie:"Quirie! Your awake!" She entered the room. "I'm sorry we didn't get to help you."

"It's okay... I guess I just need time to heal..." I smiled.

Mackenzie:"How come you can still smile after all of what happened?" She asked.

"I just do I guess..." I replied.

Diane:"I've got regeneration!" She entered the room.

"Huh? What--"

Diane:"Drink!" She shoved the bottle's mouth in mine and I started drinking.

"Woah..." I feel my insides tickle me.

Mackenzie:"Uh... Ally? You might need to walk out first." She pointed at the door.

Ally:"Oh, right." He walked out.

"Huh? Why-- Where's my torso!?" I jumped.

Mackenzie:"Yeah... About that..." She lifted up a bloody blue top.

"Huh? That's why I was only wrapped in bandage..." I looked at her. "Well... I feel much netter now, I should go."

I stood up and took an extra shirt and realised that Ian was in the room.

"Ian!? What are you doing here!?" I woke him up.

Ian:"Huh!? Quirie!" He jumped and covered his eyes as I quickly took the extra shirt and worn it even though it was a deep 'v' neck.

"Okay, you may look now." Ian turned his head.

Ian:"I will... Go out now..." He stood up and walked out the door, I followed.

Hahn:"Hey, babe? May I borrow you for a second?" Before I could talk he dragged me to the garden

"So? What?" I was held against the tree.

Hahn:"I was just wondering..." I crossed my arms with a suspicious look.


Hahn:"Can I? You know? Because..." He asked.

"Go ahead. I know that your feelings are--" Before I could finish I felt his lips pressed on mine.

He held my arms up against the tree stopping me from stopping him. His tight grip on my wrists was as strong as his kiss. I didn't expect him to kiss me, I was expecting something else. He pulled away to breath, but only after a second he went back. His passionate kiss continued to grow stronger and he finally stopped.

"Your gonna suffocate me..." I took deep breaths as he was.

Hahn:"Now you know what I'm made of..." He smirked.

"What are you looking at?" I looked away.

Hahn:"Nothing." His face was an inch away from mine.

"Oh, no you little pervert!" I pushed his chest away.

Hahn:"Okay. That's saved for later." He joked.

"Ha. Ha. I said not!" I laughed sarcastically.

Please tell me this kissing phenomenon is over.

Cole:"Watch out!" He dashed towards me and sent me flopping on my back with his arm saving my neck from getting hit unconscious again. "Are you okay?"

"I think?" I stood up and brushed the dirt off.

Cole:"I didn't mean to run over you! I was just not looking where I was going and--"

"I understand." I placed my hand on his shoulder.

Cole:"I'm glad you do. I was scared you would despise me." He worried.

"Well... You know what? I have nothing to do so..." I pressed my hands together.

Cole:"So..?" He stuttered.








"Let's go camping with the others." I ended his worried expression.

--At camp--

Night fell and I ended up sleeping with Cole again. While I struggle sleeping we suddenly hear lightning and a scream.

Zander:"Argh!" I heard his scream from beside us.

Tim:"Twinkle, twinkle antler head. Sleeping underneath the tent." He began singing. "Lightning scares you late at night, your two antlers poking at the sides. Twinkle, twinkle antler head. Get inside your fucking tent!"

Zander:"Shut up!" He yelled.

"Well that's a new one." I laughed.

Cole:"I don't get why I'm here." He laid still.

"Because your sister said so. So I can't just say no, she won't stop bragging..." I sat up and sighed in exaggeration.

Cole:"You don't have to always say yes." He sat up as well.

"I can't sleep... So... What do you want to do?" I asked leaned closer.

Cole:"Why are you asking me?" He asked.

"Because I'm not full of ideas." I leaned back and accidentally tipped over the tent causing him to get hit from behind and lay over me.

Cole:"Why does this feel so..." He looked up at me. "Soft..."

"Heh. Because that's my stomach idiot." I laughed.

Cole:"Are you sure? Than why is your face so close?" He smirked.

"What do you mean close--" As I expected, this kissing phenomenon wasn't over.

Shattered Kingdom Book 1 (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now