Chapter 20

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"Guy problems"

--Somewhere in the forest--

Zander:"Quirie? Do we really have to be out here?" He asked.

Ruth:"Yeah, I hate these I don't feel comfortable outdoors-- Oh wait... I live outdoors. Heh!" She joked.

Mackenzie:"I don't feel safe out here... Like... At all." He wined.

"I know... We just need to... Get... An ingredient..." I slashed through branches.

Ruth:"What ingredient exactly?" She asked.

"Just wait and see..." I smirked.

Zander:"I don't like that smirk..." He shivered. "I wish you get hit by a branch so that we can go back...."

"Your wish is my command." I whispered and let go of a branch that slung back to Zander's face. "Your welcome."

Ruth:"Hah hah! That's what you get!" She laughed.

Zander:"What was that for!?" He jumped.

"This." I smacked his head. "Now silence."

Zander:"Ow! Are you crazy!?" He yelled.

"Yes. And we found it." I plucked out a small dandelion.

Ruth:"What!? We have millions of dandelions at home! And you just made us walk all the way here for that!?" She jumped.

"No. Hah hah. Look." I opened my palm that turned the dandelion into a small house.

Mackenzie:"Aww! Adorable!" She looked in awe.

"Mm hmm. And we need to keep the pixie asleep... Now be quiet..." I shushed and we walked back.

--At the castle--

Pixie:"Hi! I'm Prix!" I looked around.

"Huh? How did you wake up?" I asked.

Prix:"I was just shook by a very rude demon, although I am alright! No need to worry." She smiled.

Zander:"Wait... This house wasn't a toy!?" He jumped.

Ruth:"That was the one we brought home! Idiot!" She yelled.

"It's okay Zander. You did get your wish though. We are home." I smiled.

Mackenzie:"Your always in high spirits... How come?" She asked.

"I cannot tell of that myself. Pardon." I shook my head.

Mackenzie:"Quirie? Since when did you dye your hair?" I jumped.

Ruth:"Quirie! Your hair!" She yelled.

"I... What? Why is this-- Argh!" I fell sitting on the ground. "My-- My-- ARGH!"

Zander:"Quirie!" I crashed down crumpling my clothing that covered my chest.

Ally:"Quirie! What happened!?" He ran towards us.

"I-- Can't-- Breathe--" I gasped for air.

Ally:"I cant heal this... We need a healer. Come with me to the healer's hut." He stood me up but crashed down.

Zander:"She can't stand..." He worried.

Ally:"No need to stand." Zander nodded and Ally lifted me up bridal style to the hut.

--Zander's P.O.V.--

We arrived safely the healer's hut. Ally took Quirie in and at out after a moment.

Ally:"I am not sure if she can help... Although I know my Aunt Carey can handle this..." He sat down.

A few hours had passed with Ruth drinking fresh blood, Ally biting his nails in worry and Mackenzie pacing out. Ally's aunt, also known as Aunt Carey had walked out of the door.

"Your Carey?" I asked the five feet tall young woman.

Carey:"Yes, any doubts?" She asked back.

"No... It's just... You look really young." I caught confusion.

Carey:"Heh, don't flirt with me." She blushed. "Ahem. Lady Quirie is alright, I am sure she will wake up in a few hours."

"Good. Thank you." I paced my hand on her shoulder.

Mackenzie:"Yes, thank you." She repeated.

Ruth:"Ooh... Someone's jealous!" She mumbled.

Mackenzie:"Excuse me?" She smiled deadly eyed at Ruth.

Ruth:"Oh... Nothing." She smiled nervously.

Carey:"I have many things to do." I swung my sight to her.

"Go ahead." I smiled.

Carey:"I'm sure your busy too. You can stay here as long as you want, I will be going home. My son is waiting for me. See you around." She smiled.

Mackenzie:"You have a son!?" She jumped.

Carey:"Yes, single mother. I am working for my ways in living. I do hope to see a man around d my age to take over." She replied.

Ruth:"Look here miss! You do not take Zander because he is already Mackenzie's so. Back. Off!" She yelled.

Carey:"I wasn't. I wouldn't have to because he is only eighteen, for his age he shouldn't be married to a thirty year old like me." She smiled.

Ruth:"Huh!? Oh! Heh heh... Yeah... Right..." She sweat dropped.

Mackenzie:"Wait a minute! Did you just say-- RUTH!" She yelled.

Ruth:"I actually am busy so... BYE!" She ran.

"Ally?" I called.

Ally:"Yes?" He asked.

"How long do you think Quirie will be out?" I asked.

Ally:"For what it looks like... Just a few hours or so." He shrugged.

"That's good. I don't want--"

--Quirie's P.O.V.--

"Guys!? What am I doing here!? Guys!? Get me out! Please?" I found myself trapped in a white room.

Zander:"Quirie? What are you doing in there?" He asked.

Ally:"She must have been woken up." He shrugged.

"I fell on thew floor while I was sleeping." Zander laughed.

Zander:"That's your problem now!" He laughed.

"Get me out of here or I will break this window!" I slammed my finger lightly.

Zander:"Wow. I'm really scared." He teased.

"You asked for it." I slammed my hand against the glass instantly breaking through while the glass shattered into nothing but a hole.

Zander:"Okay I'm sorry!" He cried.

"Get me out. I'll pay for that." I frowned.

Ally:"I will help. Here." I took his hand and I was put of the room. "Was the door locked?"

"It was from the outside." I nodded.

Ally:"Mm hmm. Let's go." He dragged me out by the hand.

Shattered Kingdom Book 1 (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now