Chapter 1

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Author's Note;

Images are mine UwU yes... I made all that OwO (my poor fingers... Huhuhu)

This story was already written whole. Which means if you somewhat noticed the release dates of each chapter, they were released at the same date/week within a few minutes/seconds. This is because I already wrote this before I decided to put this up on this app. Therefore, I assebled (avengers asseble! 😂😂) this a year before it's release this year, and I delayed a few chapters due to school purposes :3 WELP THAT'S IT!


Story's Beginnings

Once there was just nothing but a vast, the dark and the light combined as one specific identity. This place was called earth. And no one had lived there but a goddess, a powerful goddess which name is unknown. She can create life out of nothing and created land, sea, mountains, falls, caves, animals, man, and many more. In a shorter explanation, she created the world.

She created humans that had freedom to do all they want. Mankind loved being together and they never fought. Caused by this she did not make any conflicts because she wanted the humans to learn them on their own. And just as that, she made a big mistake. The beautiful oceans turned dirty and dead, the lands were all ruined with the trash that had been thrown by man themselves and she went sick. With her last breath she vowed her words.

"As punishment, I divide you into eleven realms! The Earth realm, the Diamond realm, the Generaya realm, the Emerald realm, the Esmeralda realm, the Savarra realm, the Syrian realm, the Hellerra realm, Heaven realm and Hell realm!" She said. "And lastly.... The forbidden realm..."

She did not just divide the world in realms but also divided mankind into four. There were the royals, the worthy rulers of realms. The one who hold power of nature in them. They are the ones who protect and care for the realms they hold. There were now seven kingdoms in each realms.

Second was the werewolves the half humans half wolves. These are the second strongest mankind. They have the power to turn into a vicious dog like figure also known as a wolf.

Third is the meifwas they are the ones with a figure like a cat but mostly a human figure as a body.

Last is the mortals. These are the weakest of mankind, they have no capabilities of anything and can only handle a sword and bow as weapon.

Mankind's heart were broken after this... And all of them made one final wish...

--Quirie's P.O.V.--

"But mama, I thought the humans were strong! Like what papa said!" I wined.

Renevia:"Quirie sweet heart, I am only telling you a short story." She explained. "Just go to sleep, child."

"Okay..." I said and dug my head in my pillows.

--10 years later--

"Mother! I'm home!" I called out from training.

Renevia:"Quirie! This is too much!" She was struck in shock and happiness from all that I brought back.

"I had some help." I said pointing my thumb to the teenager behind me, Cole.

Cole:"Uh... Hi..." He nervously waved his hand.

Renevia:"Hello..." She said almost sounding like a question.

"Oh! Mother! This is Cole! My best friend!" I tackled his neck playfully.

Cole:"N-nice to meet you m-ms. Renevia...." He shuddered.

Shattered Kingdom Book 1 (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now