Chapter 17

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"Best Man Wins"

"Uh... Shin? Your... Too close..." I was met almost a centimeter away from a man's face, Shin's face.

Shin:"You have to be used to being this close to a man's face if you want to know what they do when--"

"I don't want to hear it." I interrupted.

Shin:"You'll always see that." He smirked.

"Why? Would it be yours?" I asked.

Shin:"I... Am not sure..." I pulled away.

"Well, since your done panicking for nothing... Maybe go back to work?" He nodded.

--the next day--

"Journey? Why is that you brought us all here this early?" I stretched still wearing my nightgown.

Journey:"Lady Quirie? Your... Uh... Clothes..." She pointed down.

"What? I'm sure your just going to announce." I guessed.

Journey:"No sire... I am actually starting a training session... And that includes you working..." She whispered.

"Oh." I zoomed out and came back in a maiden dress. "Let's get working!"

Journey:"Perfect! You chose the right clothing, Lady Quirie." Her joy took her spirits up to the heavens.

"Huh? What are we doing then?" I asked.

Journey:"Over there!" She pointed over an outside kitchen.

"Ooh! This is going to be exciting!" I smiled.

Cole:"Mm hmm!" He agreed.

Journey:"We are going to see who is as great as Lady Quirie in some things she is used to do." She pointed a finger up. "Now let's begin with cooking Lady Quirie's favorite dish, pancake ala mode."

"Well of course I will teach you first." Journey agreed.

Journey:"Uh huh! Lady Quirie will!" She smiled. "Let's see how easy this dish is, I'm sure its just pancakes."

--Quirie's Cooking Skills secretly made a time skip--

Journey:"Woah... Uh... Okay! We will have to make that, less harder... Well, that depends on your understanding. Begin!" She shouted.

I seem to see Cole having fun with this kind of work, he seems to know a lot about the ingredients and is a fast learner. I'm sure teaching a cub would be easy but don't seem to know that teaching werewolves will be less trickier than a dog.

Daemon appears to be doing fine, he knows what I put in the dish and what I didn't. Not much of a fast learner but someone I can rely on when it comes to copying a dish. Slow and moderate, but nice to say he is tactical.

Hahn is swiftly moving-- Oh, wait he just broke a mug-- Wait, two mugs. Well yeah. He is not so great at-- And he broke another mug... Moving on...

Shin appears to understand a few of the ingredients... While the others... I don't think a prince would know how to make dough if this was a real cake, would they?

Ally just finished, I am not sure if he did right though. He is confused with the sugar and the salt.

Journey:"Are you done?" She asked Daemon.

Daemon:"Yes, I was... Just confused." He shrugged.

"Hahn! Hahn! That's my favorite mug!" I caught the mug as I slid on the floor and saved the mug from breaking. "Phew! That was close..."

Hahn:"Sorry, I'm not really used to being in these kinds of culinary... Stuff..." He backed up and broke another mug.

"That is the sixth mug. Okay! Hide all the mugs you can find!" I yelled.

Ruth:"Whoops." She sarcastically said breaking a black mug.

"That was Mackenzie's..." She snapped. "Run." She ran away with an angry Mackenzie tailing her.


Journey:"Tasting time!" She swung her arm over my shoulder. "Oh, sorry."

I went over to Ally, he seemed troubled before. Might as well give a try.

"Uh... I... Could say you did... Have a problem with... Uh... Salt and sugar..." I tasted a storm of salty taste.

Ally:"Wait... Let me taste." He took a piece. "Oh... Whoops..."

"It's okay. You can try to do better in the other session." I smiled.

My feet dragged me to Shin, apparently he didn't... Uhh... Well... Let me taste it, I'm sure it's not that bad.

"Shin?" I tasted nothing but a plain soft touch on my tongue. "Did you add sugar?"

Shin:"I... Forgot..." He sweated.

"I'm sure you'll do better." I smiled.

I stepped over broken and shattered mugs to Hahn.

"Let's see..." I tasted just the right flavor, but seems to be too dull. "It's good, but... Needs more... Taste."

Hahn:"Okay, gotcha." He smirked.

I walked over to Daemon.

"Daemon, I saw you working hard on this one." I smiled and took a taste. "Nicely done!"

Daemon:"Thank the gods..." He whispered.

"Cole, I wanted to know how much this would taste. Because you were having so much fun." I took a taste. "Cole... What did you do to this!?"

Cole:"What? What's wrong?" He asked sweating.

"It's... Delicious! Better than I knew it would taste!" I smiled.

Cole:"Uh... I just added a few spices, that's all." He blushed.

Journey:"In this session! The clear winner is Cole!" She cheered raising Cole's hand. "Now on the next session!"

"Hunting! Yes! It's hunting time!" I cheered.

Hahn:"Oh yeah baby! Hunting season is coming out early this year!" He cheered along.

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