Chapter 27

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"Her decision"

"I've decided!" I said through the mic. "I have decided that... I will choose..."

Renevia:"You can do it, Quirie." I turn my head seeing her holding tight on my father's hands.

"I will choose to..." I looked at my father who nodded. "I will choose to back out on the marriage. I hope everyone understands that I will not yet choose this too soon. I will be finding a king soon... Just not like this."

I hear everyone gasping for their shocked minds to fade.

"I am very sorry for your disappointment. I will try to rule with or without a king. Uh... Thank you." I received applaud from the crowd but no cheers. "Aww... I feel so bad..."

Ally:"Don't feel that way, Quirie." He comforted.

Cole:"I am sure you can find him later on." He smiled

Hahn:"Plus, we will be right here when you need us." Daemon nodded.

Daemon:"We will." He agreed.

"Really?" I asked.

Shin:"Yes. We will always be." He assured.

"I wish I could get back on you guys..." I frowned.

Mackenzie:"Hey! Don't cry!" She smiled.

"But I feel so bad for letting you all down." I hesitated.

Ruth:"At least you have time and freedom to choose your most loved one." She pats my back.

"But these men are the closest I have in mind." I swung my arms across two of them.

Tamako:"You look troubled." He noticed as I watch the others walk away.

"Mm... I was just regretting all of this all of a sudden." I rested my chin on my palm.

Tamako:"What is this regret all about?" He asked.

"About my choice... I feel like I can't feel more of a fool for throwing away my chance..." I sighed.

Tamako:"It is okay to lose the chances. You have millions of chances. Think of this... They may have liked you during the time you had them near you and might go back begging for your hand." I looked up at him.

"Mm... I guess you are right." I sighed in exaggeration.

Tamako:"See? Now get up, we are having a baseball game with the men." He invited.

"I'm the pitcher!" I tossed my hands in the air.

--After the game--

I laid down on my bed thinking of all the regret and trying to forget about them before I close my eyes and sleep off the night. Soon my mind gained calmness ad my eyes caught a heavy feeling that caused my sight to darken and I finally fell asleep.

Not even deep in my sleep I hear a loud bang on my door and looked outside seeing a red moon.

"Blood moon... That has to be Zander..." I sighed and stood up to lock door.

Zander:"Quirie!" I hear his drunk tone screamed from the other side. "Quirie! I'm going to sleep!"

"Zander! Go to your room!" I yelled.

Zander:"I'm don't wanna! I'm not sleepy!" He replied.

"You just said you were going to sleep!" I exclaimed.

Zander:"No I didn't!" He fought.

"Just go to bed!" I went off to my bed and covered my ears.

Zander:"Quirie!" He banged on the door.

"Ugh... That's it." I walked out he balcony and sat on the railings to wait for him to give up and leave or fall asleep on the floor.

I watch the night skies' stars burn bright in the dark and narrow spark of the moonlight.

"It's not just the times that I remember... Even you..." I whispered to no one.

I saw images of many conclusions. The conclusions that no one can answer. Conclusions that I can't get enough of. If only this conclusion was right. If only this very conclusion is the solution to my problem. I want to remove the earth from my shoulders and feel more lighter. My problems are too big for my own conscious to handle. I don't think my heart can take this little mechanism of marriage. My life just turned from normal to this very complicated royal life. My dreams were crushed before... Now I can't let myself down. Not just r me but also the kingdom. They are waiting for me to get a king for them. What if I can't? How could I rule alone?

Zander:"That's it I'm going." I heard him leave.

"Finally!" I whispered and went to bed when I heard a loud THUD* "Mede, mede. That's a fallen soldier named Zander, shot in action by exhaustion."

Prix:"Hah! Good one!" She popped out of my purse that was hung on the handle of the balcony door.

"Prix?" I called.

Prix:"Mm?" She asked.

"Have you ever been teased into choosing a partner? As in... Mate?" I asked.

Prix:"Mm... Yes. I had. But I declined... Like what you did." She yawned. "Good night, Master Quirie."

"Mm... Good night, Prix." I yawned and felt myself fall into sleep.

--The next morning--

Journey:"Lady Quirie... Lady Quirie..." Her voice woke me up.

"Journey. I wasn't expecting you to wake me up this early." I yawned.

Journey:"Uh... Lady Quirie... You are a little late for the meet up today..." I looked at Prix pointing at her watch.

Prix:"It is almost twelve, Master Quirie." I jumped out of my bed and flew straight to the lobby.

"Huh?" I looked around to see no one there. "Oh no I must have missed the meet up!"

Prix:"The was no meet up." She laughed. "That meet up was for tomorrow."

"What!? The why did you interrupt my sleep!?" I jumped?

Prix:"Because Master. We are about to leave today. We have a journey to take. Remember?" I snapped.

"Oh! Yes I forgot. Heh! Let's get going." I walked in my room and packed my stuff. "Ready?"

Prix:"As always!" She cheered.

Shattered Kingdom Book 1 (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now