Chapter 33

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"Family's Traditional Wedding"

Renevia:"Are you ready, Quirie?" She asked entering the room with servants followed close to her.

"Yes, mother." I nodded and let the servants dress me up.

Today was the wedding, I did not had the chance to forgive Shin although I know he will still have to attend. I was very nervous, but I need to be strong because I know this will be for a lifetime. The best day of my life can not be ruined by my mind's trickery. I will not let my parents' wishes dissolve into air with just my mind refusing. Perhaps I will overcome this because of my love for Ally. This will not be forgotten, I know it wouldn't.

Renevia:"You look beautiful, darling." She placed her hand on my shoulder as she faces me towards the mirror.

I was wearing a white gown bedazzled with blue glitter dabbed on the long skirt of the dress as my hair was in a bun on the side of my head and was decorated with white roses.

"I am ready..." I took a deep breath and exhaled.

I watched the men open the big gates of the giant garden as I walked down from my carriage to enter this garden. I held a white bouquet in my hand that was wrapped in a blue cover.

I saw everyone turn heads over to me. Daemon, Cole, Hahn and Shin were there. They smiled but was shocked. Specially Ally who was in a white tuxedo in front of the altar waiting for me. I did not do anything but smile while I walk towards Sarah  to walk me towards the altar.

Sarah caught my hand as she wipes her tears of joy, on my other hand was Zander's father in his human form, Satan of course.

Satan:"Be cherished with beautiful children Quirie and Ally." He greeted.

Ally:"Okay, being greeted by the devil was not expected." He sweated as Satan laughed quietly.

Sarah:"Good luck old chump." She smiled at me.

"Thank you, Sarah." Sarah and Satan let go of my hand as it was released, Ally took my hand and walked me closer towards the altar with mother in front.

We stood in front and was greeted with a smile from Renevia.

Renevia:"Let us begin. Dearly beloved, from the words of honor that my elders had written for this special marriage, I use the power of joy for these two. Quirinalyn Delouris and Ally Red. Who are sent to become one, and face all their problems together. Gathered us all here, to cherish this very moment. For us to remember this day for their lives to change forever, we must trust them to be joyful for eternity." She began. "A special memory that you all waited after all this time. Now is the time to end being patient. Now I give you the blessing, as mother of the bride. I bless of thee, thou be joyous, thou be free to love each other, any time. Any where. Ally, do you accept this. Quirinalyn, as your lawfully wedded wife? For better and for worse, til death do you part."

Ally:"I do." He smiled.

Renevia:"Quirinalyn, do you accept this. Ally, as lawfully wedded husband? For better and for worse, til death do you part."

"I do." I smiled.

Renevia:"As this marriage collide within this ceremony, I hand of thee. The rings." Journey climbed up and bowed as Ally takes my ring and takes my hand.

Ally:"With this ring. I, Ally Red. Promise to love and care for my beloved Quirie. And promise to stand for our future children. I will always be here for you." He said and took my had to wear the ring he held as I took the remaining ring that Journey held.

"With this ring. I, Quirinalyn Delouris. Promise to love and care for my beloved Ally. And promise to take good care of our future children. I will always be your light." I took Ally's hand and worn the ring on his finger.

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